The woman froze. Her smile lingered, but there was no energy behind the expression now. “Father?” she repeated blankly. Her eyes revealed her confusion even as her smile dimmed. “I don’t have a father,” she said quietly. She glanced down at the keys and envelope, but didn’t move to touch them. “It was just my mother and me growing up. And she passed away two years ago.”
Levi felt a small stab in his chest. He had no idea what that was about since he’d eliminated emotions from his life. Logic. Logic and merciless, absolute dedication to his goals was all that he allowed.
Pushing the second odd reaction out of his mind, Levi leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees while his hands relaxed between his legs. He watched her carefully as he asked, “Someone took a DNA sample from you three weeks ago, correct?”
She blinked again, her mouth barely open as she tried to keep up with the conversation. Her shoulders shifted slightly, but other than her lips and her shoulders, Ms. Donata didn’t move as she replied, “Yes, but…I thought that was for a drug test.” She lifted a hand, waving towards the doorway. “I applied for the warehouse shift manager’s position recently. That’s what this is about, right? You’re about to tell me that I got the promotion?”
Another pang in his chest and Levi clenched his teeth against the unwelcome feeling. “No. I have no knowledge of the promotion issue.”
She sighed, her body sagging into a slump. “I see.” Her pretty, white teeth bit down on her full, lower lip, causing a new ache, somewhat lower in his body.
Damn it! What the hell was wrong with him?
It had to be the heat, he told himself. The heat was making him weak. All the more reason to deliver the news and get out of here.
Clearing his throat, Levi continued. “The DNA test had nothing to do with the warehouse. It was to determine paternity with a man named Arthur Fuque. You are his only living child.” He tapped the envelope with his forefinger. “This is his last will and testament. You’ve inherited everything.”
Clarissa stared at the envelope, unable to process what the man had just said. She was trying hard not to feel down about the lack of a work promotion. She knew she was the hardest worker in the factory. But her thoughts kept circling back to the man sitting across from her. For some odd reason, her mind fizzled whenever she looked at him.
Maybe if he would close his legs. Or if he could put that jacket on so that his massive shoulders and bulging biceps were out of view, she might be able to make sense of this conversation.
However, the man with intense, blue eyes didn’t look away. She felt a fluttering low in her belly as she glanced at the envelope. “I inherited something?” she asked. “My father is…he’s this Arthur person?”
“Arthur Fuque,” the man supplied, adding a nod and a tap on the thick envelope.
She looked at him, still ignoring the envelope. “And you are?”
Clarissa watched with fascination as the muscles in his jaw clenched. Did he not want her to know his name? He might be gorgeous, but he was clearly a bit of an ass.
“I’m Levi Harris,” the man admitted grudgingly.
She nodded as if that meant something. But in reality, she had never heard of him.
She frowned thoughtfully, still trying to make sense of this conversation. “You were a friend of this…Mr. Fuque?”
The man sighed, rubbed impressively long, sexy fingers over the scruff on his jaw. Clarissa assumed he’d shaved at some point today. But it was well after five o’clock and it showed.
The thought of this man kissing her flashed through her mind. The scruff would be harsh against her skin, but Clarissa knew she wouldn’t mind. Not one little bit!
“Arthur Fuque didn’t have any friends,” the man, Levi…Mr. Harris…said.
Shaking her head, she turned back to the envelope. “Okay, so…you were enemies with Mr. Fuque. Why are you here, delivering this to me, if you were his enemy?”
He sighed and she wondered what his breath would feel like swishing over her skin.
She shook her head sharply, trying to dissipate the images. She was just tired, Clarissa reminded herself. She’d been up late studying last night and she’d started her shift at six this morning. She still had another hour to go before she could head home to shower, and maybe grab something to eat before she started the whole process over again.
“So…what did he leave me?” she asked, not really interested. “Please don’t tell me that he left me a car.” She sighed, glancing at the keys resting on top of the envelope. “I can’t afford to pay the taxes on another car.”
The man chuckled and the sound was…unexpectedly delicious! Soft, sexy, and oh-so-masculine. Not like the high-pitched laughter of so many men she knew. Nope, this guy had a laugh that could send a woman into a swoon!
Unfortunately, he glanced towards the doorway, indicating that he was eager to get away.
“You have the money now,” he told her. “Your father left you several houses, maybe ten cars, and…”
Okay, enough was enough! She didn’t have time for practical jokes!
Clarissa snorted and stood up. “Right. Nice prank.” She turned, ignoring the envelope and the keys sitting on top. “I have to get back to work.” She grabbed her yellow hard hat and headed for the door, disgusted by the waste of her time.