That was his last thought before his own climax took over. He pressed into her, deeper and deeper as his orgasm throbbed inside of him.
“Milki,” he groaned as the pleasure slowly eased. “Anti li.” Mine, he thought in his head. You’re mine! The words repeated in his head over and over, even though Daniesh knew that he couldn’t claim this beautiful, sensuous, incredible woman.
Collapsing on the mattress, he pulled her into his arms and held her close as they relearned how to breathe. His arm tightened around her as he felt her soft, sweet breath wash over his skin, making him tingle. Daniesh looked up at the ceiling, cursing himself. Cursing the world for being unfair.
If only he could give her everything. Children, he thought and kissed the top of her head. He couldn’t love this woman. He couldn’t love anyone!
But deep in his head, he knew that it was too late. He loved Amanda.
Chapter 10
A knock on the door woke them. Amanda looked around, disoriented and confused. Daniesh sat up and gently shifted her head onto a pillow. Giving her a light, sweet kiss, he slipped out of bed.
She watched sleepily as he pulled on his wrinkled slacks, not bothering with the boxers. Amanda smiled, admiring the rippling muscles in his back. She yawned hugely and tried to rouse herself, but her body simply wouldn’t cooperate yet.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes,” he told her, leaning down and brushing his lips over hers.
The knock sounded again, a bit harder this time. Daniesh pulled on a shirt as he walked over to the door. She thought she heard him growl, but wasn’t sure.
Instead of pulling the door wide open, he slipped out and spoke to the person in the hallway. Amanda was grateful for his courtesy in not exposing her to whoever needed his attention, even though he’d pulled the bed covers over her, hiding her nudity.
Stretching, Amanda looked around. The bed was a complete mess. Which made sense since they’d made love all afternoon and well into the night. At some point, she wasn’t sure what time, they’d showered and he’d ordered dinner. Or had it been lunch? Her perception of day and night was completely off. It didn’t help that the heavy, blue velvet curtains blocked out the light, leaving the bedroom in a deep twilight.
Swinging her legs to the floor, she held the sheet over her nakedness, then felt silly since she was the only one in the room. Still, she looked around, wanting a shower.
Padding barefoot and naked to the bathroom, she flipped on the shower. Surprisingly, the warm water was instant. Stepping under the warm spray, she lifted her face up and rinsed off the scent of sex, smiling as she remembered all the delightful things they’d done overnight. It had been a marathon of sensual decadence and she’d experienced pleasure unlike anything she’d ever know was even possible.
She should be exhausted, but Amanda felt…energized. Powerful!
Yesterday, playing the part of a movie star had been a thrill. But considering her predicament, perhaps it was time she took control of her life. So far, she’d been overwhelmed at being arrested and the terror of being charged with murder. She’d only been reactive. Maybe, it was time to be proactive.
When she finished showering, Amanda stepped out and looked around. There was a fluffy, white towel that she wrapped around herself. But, as she stepped out of the bathroom, she realized she wasn’t sure what to wear. Her clothes were either at the police station or in the other room.
Peering out into the hallway, she looked both ways. When the coast was clear, she hurried down the long hallway to the room she’d been in her first night here. Smiling dreamily, she slipped into the room and laughed at what a crazy whirlwind her life had become over the past few days.
Quickly, she dressed in one of the outfits that had mysteriously arrived in this room. Today, she wore a pair of blue slacks and a yellow sweater. She dried her hair and used a touch of the makeup and felt a thousand times better.
“Time to get your life back!” she told her reflection in the mirror.
Heading down the stairs, she looked for a clock. The first order of business was to get her cell phone back. Her phone had all of her contacts, plus she used it for a watch! She felt lost without knowing what time it was. Oh - and the weather! Goodness, Amanda silently laughed at how often she checked the outside temperature on her phone instead of simply opening the door or window.
There was one time when she looked out the window to discover that it had rained. She’d immediately looked at her phone to check the weather, as if she needed the weather app to confirm what her eyes were telling her.
Yep, she desperately needed her phone. It was her crutch and kept her grounded. Surely, that high-powered, scary lawyer that Daniesh had hired would be able to get her phone and her suitcase back. And her laptop! Damn it, she felt lost without her laptop! Of course, she’d been a bit preoccupied over the past few days, so she hadn’t needed the distraction of her latest rough draft to help her get through the days, but still, she wanted her property back! Or at the very least, she wanted the files on her laptop back. If the police didn’t return the laptop, she would…!
Daniesh was just stepping out of the library, the three men from yesterday following him. Goodness, Daniesh looked delicious. Unconsciously, she licked her lips, her thoughts flashing back to the things she’d done to his body last night.
“Oh good, you’re up,” he called out.
At the flash of her tongue, his eyes heated up, but he gave her a warning look. “Levi, Matteo and Sian have some new information for us. And I was about to call Tito and ask him to join us to show everyone the pictures of what we found last night.”
Amanda smiled at the three men as Daniesh slipped his arm around her waist, pulling her against his side.
“Hello again. It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?” she said, her gaze taking in all three men in greeting.
All three men looked surprised at first, but then smiled and nodded. “It is, indeed,” Levi agreed, speaking for them.
The three men looked amused, but Amanda felt too good to care. “We had an exciting day yesterday,” she told them, leaning forward as if she were sharing a secret.