Daniesh tucked Amanda against his side while the others did another quick search, but no one found anything more.
“Okay, let’s get out of here,” Tito announced. He turned to Amanda. “Are you ready to get back into character? I noticed security cameras at both ends of the hallway. You’re going to have to look like we just had a meeting in here and now you’re giving everyone orders.”
“Got it.”
Tito looked to Daniesh. “Anything else, Your Highness?”
Daniesh shook his head. “No. Let’s get out of here. I’ll meet our friends for dinner tonight and we’ll give them this information.”
Tito nodded. “I can probably have the contents of this syringe analyzed by tonight.”
They all filed out of the room, the guards ensuring enough chaos that the security personnel couldn’t be positive about which room they were coming out of. Then they all walked out! It was too easy actually. They took the elevator down to the parking garage level where the SUVs were waiting at the exit. Everyone piled inside and the drivers merged into traffic.
There were no sirens, no bullets zinging past, or even a high-speed chase through the Parisian streets. The movies really did a better job of creating tension than real life, she thought as she slipped the wig off and stuffed it into one of the bags Tito had brought along for that express purpose.
The problem that Amanda had wasn’t the fear of getting caught. It was the opposite. It was the fact that theyhadn’tbeen caught. Everything inside of her was tingling! She felt alive and wanted to scream! She wanted to laugh and cry and…she glanced over at Daniesh. He was watching her carefully.
Thankfully, the driver pulled into a garage back at the house. Everyone exited the SUV, the guards pairing up as they walked into the house.
Amanda walked silently beside Daniesh. He didn’t say anything either, but she could feel him. She could smell him! All of her senses were extra sensitive! It was almost as if she could see the air particles vibrating! She wanted to run and scream, leap and laugh.
He pulled her into the library and…that was it. Never in her life had Amanda been the one to initiate a sexual interlude. She’d never been interested enough in sex before to start something that was a mediocre pastime at best and a messy, irritating checking of boxes at worst.
As soon as the door closed, she rushed into his arms, literally jumping into his arms and wrapping her legs around his waist as she reached up to hold his head.
“I want you, right now!” he growled, his strong hands cupping her bottom as he held her tightly.
“I want you now!” she groaned right back, kissing him with all of the lust and need and passion within her. She sensed the same intensity building inside of him. She shifted against him as her cape fell to the floor. There were some tearing sounds, but she ignored them, entirely focused on the way Daniesh tasted.
She felt him caress her breast, and the pleasure was so all encompassing, she couldn’t even look down to find out what was going on. If she had any rational thought left in her, she might have wondered how he’d gotten her bra off without her noticing, but it didn’t really matter. She only hoped he never took his hand away.
A hard, flat surface pressed against her bottom, and she whimpered, bracing herself against it and pulling him in tighter, desperate for more. Her fingers smoothed down his chest, then she found and began fumbling with his zipper. She didn’t care that they were both still mostly dressed. Every moment in his company had been leading up to this moment and Amanda wasn’t waiting a second longer. Somehow, her panties vanished and she felt his finger sliding into her. Amanda rolled her hips, moaning at the sensation, but it still wasn’t enough!
“Now!” she gasped, her voice a guttural command. “Now! I need younow!”
He groaned, then thrust into her. She was so wet, so ready for him that there was no resistance. They froze as the pleasure of him fully embedded inside of her body washed over them and they stared into each other’s eyes.
Then he began to move. It was just a small movement at first. But the friction was so mind-blowing, she gasped, gripping his hips more tightly with her legs, drawing him in closer.
Daniesh knew that there was something he was forgetting. But for the life of him, he couldn’t think beyond the mindless, overwhelming pleasure of Amanda. He needed this. He needed Amanda. He needed to feel her tight, inner muscles clench around him, pulling him in deeper, trying to become one with him.
He should probably help her climax, but she was screaming his name, her fingernails digging into his shoulders and small sharpness felt so good, he couldn’t stop. His mind blanked as she pulled him in again and again, her whispered, “Faster!” urging him on. He thrust harder, faster, as they reached for that pinnacle and then…!
“Yes!” she screamed, her body shuddering as she convulsed with pleasure. And that brought him to his own climax and all he could do was hold on as they rode the wave together.
Slowly, very slowly, Daniesh opened his eyes and looked down at Amanda. She looked stunning and stunned. Her lips were swollen from his kisses and her cheeks flushed a warm pink. There was a dreamy smile on her lips and she purred, soft, and sexy in the back of her throat. She looked…beautiful!
“Now I understand what all the fuss is about,” she whispered, opening her eyes as she stroked a finger down his neck.
“You…?” he didn’t understand initially, but when her grin widened, he grinned in response. “Was that the first time you’ve climaxed with a man, Amanda?” he asked softly, trying to hide how important her answer was to him.
There was something so primal, so incredible about the idea of being the first man to bring her true pleasure during intercourse.
“The very first,” she whispered, then lifted up to kiss him gently.
Immediately, his body hardened all over again. The soft, satisfied expression was gone and she looked surprised.