Page 29 of His Impossible Heir

Amanda jumped, startled by his abrupt question. She’d been having a nice little, rather distracting, fantasy about Daniesh. “Ready? What are we doing?”

“We’re going to visit Mr. Burrow’s hotel room to see what we can find, of course.”

Amanda jerked back her hand, then peered warily out through the tall windows. “But…it’s still light outside!” she exclaimed, horrified at the thought of doing something so illegal in broad daylight.

Daniesh chuckled, taking her hand as he led her out of the dining room. “Is breaking and entering easier or less illegal in the dark?” he teased.

She blushed, but nodded her head. “Yes. It is. I don’t know why, but illegal activities should always take place at night.”

He chuckled and took her hand, leading her out of the room. “Because murders and illegal activities always happen during the night in the movies?”

“And television shows,” she asserted firmly, nodding for emphasis.

He laughed again, shaking his head. “There are easier ways of being stealthy during the day light hours.”

Amanda was intrigued. She smiled faintly, watching him carefully. “What do you have in mind?” She paused and her eyes turned wary. “I don’t want to be arrested again.”

He leaned forward, bracing his hands on the chair. “If I guarantee your safety, will you trust me?”

She considered that question for a long moment. Looking deep into his eyes, she mimicked his stance, bracing her own hands on the doorjamb. “Yes. What is your plan?’ she asked, and felt a spurt of excitement. She wasn’t like this, Amanda reminded herself. She wasn’t the kind of person who did daring or exciting things.

Amanda was a quiet writer, who lived in a small house, alone, and delved into the underbelly of life only through her words and imagination.

This was going to be dramatically different!

“Are you sure?” he asked, obviously seeing her hesitation.

“No,” she replied honestly. “But what do I have to lose? The police have already arrested me for murder. Why not go big? If I’m going down for murder anyway, why not add a charge for breaking and entering?”

“You’re not going to be arrested,” he promised. “Come with me,” he ordered and took her hand. “You need to change into something more…” he eyed her black slacks and soft, pink sweater, “dramatic.”

Amanda followed because there was nothing else she could do. Every nerve ending in her body was sizzling with excitement. And it had nothing to do with whatever plan Daniesh had in mind to get into the dead man’s hotel room. Nope, her excitement was all because he was holding her hand.

What was it about his touch that sent her body and senses to high alert?

“Tito!” he called out and Amanda watched, fascinated, as Daniesh and the bodyguard quickly and quietly discussed something. She stood by the doorway, noting the darker shade of Daniesh compared to Tito. There was also a difference in their body language. That could be because of Daniesh’s demeanor as a royal heir and the power that surrounded him. It could also be that he was an uber confident man.

Whatever the reason, it was hot! Amanda had been around a lot of men during her university years. Plus, she went to mystery writers’ conferences, book signings, and such every few months. So, it wasn’t that she didn’t spend plenty of time around men. She just…hadn’t ever been so intrigued by the male species. Not until meeting Daniesh.

Emma’s words from earlier rushed back to her. Did she dare have a fling with Daniesh? Could she relax her inhibitions enough to enjoy a sensual liaison with him?

Why not? Why wouldn’t she enjoy whatever this man could give her? If he could give her pleasure, even momentary pleasure, wasn’t it worth it? Her future held two possibilities. One, she could be in prison for the rest of her life. Two, she could be exonerated and she’d fly back to Philadelphia and return to her quiet, isolated life.

“Okay, we’ve got a plan,” Daniesh announced, clapping his hands together and looking as pleased as if he’d just solved world hunger!

Amanda felt a tingle roll through her, starting high and flowing down her back. She’d never felt more alive.

“I’m in,” she replied immediately. If this was all she had before she’d return home or before she was imprisoned, then she was taking every scrap of adventure life offered her. She had days, maybe weeks, before she’d be in one prison or another. Daniesh was a…present. A gift to her from the universe.

His eyes widened slightly, and he gave her a half grin. Damn, the way his mouth quirked up on one side was so incredibly appealing!

“You don’t even know what I’m planning.” He leaned closer, shifting his body so that he was between her and the others in what she suspected was some sort of security headquarters for the house.

Her grin widened and she felt her body soften, angling slightly more towards him. “I don’t care,” she replied, noting that her voice was lower. Huskier. “I’m in, no matter what you have planned.”

His eyes narrowed as he watched her face. Daniesh wasn’t sure what she was actually telling him. And perhaps she wasn’t sure either. But for this moment, for this day, she was “in”. No more hiding. No more worry about prison. Not today.

She’d worry about tomorrow when it arrived. Today, she was free.