Page 56 of Fated to be Enemies

The swimmer stopped and lifted their head.

“Markus?” I groaned, lowering the knife. “What the hell, dude?” I yelled, putting it back in its sheath.

“You fell,” he spluttered. Water sluiced down his face, hair sticking to his skin. “I was coming to . . .” He trailed off, realizing his error before I said it. The look on my face must have given it away.

“Rescue me?”

“No—I—well—” He sighed. “Yeah, basically.”

I rolled my eyes, waving Nova, who was up to her hind quarters in water, back to shore. “I’ve been rock climbing since I was five.”

And with that, I swam to shore. Water soaked what little clothes I wore. I cursed at the ruined chalk in my bag. At least chalk was easy to replace. It was the chance I took, climbing over an open body of water without a lead.

“You fell like sixty feet,” he said defensively.

“Over water,” I replied. “I’m a shifter. I may not be able to turn, but give me a little credit here. I’m not that fragile.”

Markus blew out a frustrated breath. “Fine. I’m sorry for assuming you needed saving.”

I paused, looking over at him. “Thank you.” He blinked, waiting for me to add a sarcastic remark. When I didn’t, his shoulders relaxed.

“Does it really bother you that much that I want to help you?”

“Yes.” I trudged up the shore, wringing my braid out. “Because it implies that I can’t do it. That I’m weaker. Lesser. It’s not that you want to help me. You said it yourself: You want to save me. To be the hero. I don’t need a hero or saving.”

Markus swore under his breath. “Everything is a fight between us.”

“One might say we’re not compatible,” I replied. Nova shook herself, flinging droplets of water on Markus as he emerged from the pool. He gave her a withering stare, lips pressed together. I chuckled under my breath. The cool air nipped my skin.

Markus sighed. “I suppose I was asking for that.”

I chuckled again. “To what do I owe the pleasure today?”

“The heat is coming.”

I stilled; my muscles went taut. “If you try to force me during it?—”

“No.” Markus shook his head. “Gods. I’m not ready to let you go . . . but I don’t want to force you. I know you don’t want it yet. But that doesn’t stop it from happening. I can smell it on you. It’s like—” I turned to stare at him, and his pupils dilated. My feet reacted on their own, backing away. He shook his head to clear it. “I need to be confined. Locked up. As far away from you as possible by tomorrow night.”

“I don’t think it’ll start tomorrow,” I said quietly. Nova came to stand between us.

“The heat lasts longer than a couple of days. It just peaks for forty-eight hours. By tomorrow night, I don’t think I’ll be able to control myself.” The muscle in his cheek tightened as he looked away. “You see me as a bully—I will not be a rapist as well. I’ve already hurt you too much.”

I dipped my chin, accepting his acknowledgement. “I’ll speak to Elias. I’m sure Ysabeau will take care of it quickly.”

“Good.” He looked back toward the trail, stalling. I waited, letting the silence grow awkward, then uncomfortable. “During your heat. . .” I lifted an eyebrow, waiting for him to ask. “Will you be with anyone?”

“You want to know if I’ll fuck Elias.”

It was crass, more than I was capable of most of the time. Markus just brought out the worst, most defensive parts of me.

“Will you?” He stared at me, eyes wide, but a hint of sadness registered. Regardless of what I told him, he’d already made his mind up about what my “plans” were.

I shook my head, looking away. “Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to.”

Markus growled. “I’m just trying to?—”

“What?” I snapped, turning back to him. “You’re just trying to what?”