Page 512 of Fated to be Enemies

“Yeah, but I think I’m getting the better end of the deal. You just asked a PTSD-having, batshit-crazy seer to be your girl. I think we need to investigate your sanity a teensy bit.”

“There is nothing wrong with you,” I tell her, brushing a wayward strand of hair from her face. “You are strong and beautiful, and I’m lucky to have you. I just need to buy stock in fire extinguishers. No big.”

“Whatever,” she mutters, smiling. “Feed me, Handsome.”

Then I pull us both up, and she tugs me into the shower to clean up. We barely make it out of the shower without mauling each other, before throwing on clothes, and heading downstairs to the kitchen hand in hand.

Evan is sitting at the counter shoveling eggs into her mouth fast enough to choke. She nearly does a double take when she sees Aurelia’s relaxed shoulders and smile. In all the years I’ve been around my woman, this is the happiest I’ve ever seen her. And I’ve only seen the better parts.

Evan has seen the worst. Or the whatever worst Aurelia would let anyone see.

“You all right there?” she asks Evan, her eyes still wide as she takes Aurelia in.

“Yeah,” Evan croaks. “I’m great.”

“Is there any more food? I’ve been promised breakfast, but I’m a little leery of this one’s cooking skills.”

“Yeah, sure. The eggs should still be warm on the stove, and the bacon is on the counter.” She goes to the cabinet, retrieving two plates from the shelf.

“Coffee?” Aurelia asks hopefully as she fills two plates with eggs and bacon.

“Negative, darling. But you have a big strapping man there.” Evan winks, smacking me on the shoulder. “Put him to work.”

“Yes, I do,” she says, shifting to face me. “As per the terms of our agreement, I am cashing in on that full pot of coffee.”

“Done, Gorgeous,” I say, trying to make sense of the high-tech gadget masquerading as a coffee pot.

Suddenly, Aurelia gasps, the plates slipping from her fingers, splattering eggs all over the floor. Her eyes flash wide, glowing with white light, her body rigid and bowed in pain. An agonized whimper breaks from her lips. I start for her, but before my fingers can even graze hers, Evan tackles me to the hardwood floor.

“Don’t touch her,” she shouts in my face. “Can’t you see it? Her Aegis will kill you.”

I’ve never seen an adult Aegis. All the young ones I’ve known died before they reached maturity. And then the dominos fall in my head, piecing the last century and a half together. I’ve known about Aurelia’s little electricity spurts, the shielding she can create—usually by accident. But Evan has kept the level of her abilities secret from me.

A true Aegis—from what I’ve read—is outside the Primary’s control, having autonomy from visions. They’re supposed to be our leaders because they are not ruled by their scant glimpses of fate, not ruled by death.

But none of them have ever survived. I have my suspicions as to why.

No wonder. No fucking wonder why she’s been running. Iva wanted her, and she’s been running, hiding this long to remain free. To remain alive.

“Aegis? She’s an Aegis, and you didn’t think I needed to know?” I roar. “Why the fuck would you keep this from me?”

“Because I told her not to,” John calls from the doorway.

I look up from my spot on the floor, noticing the king standing with a vaguely familiar redhead, while simultaneously trying not to throw Evan through a fucking wall. I need to get to Aurelia, and she’s in my way.

“And why’s that, John?” I grind out through clenched teeth. “What reason could you possibly have for not telling me my mate is a fucking time bomb?”

“Because the Primary would have seen,” the redhead utters in a soft melodious voice.

“And who the fuck are you?” I ask angrily as I pick myself up off the floor, my eyes assessing every person in the room, but not landing on anyone in particular.

“Oh, don’t tell me you don’t remember me, child?”

Then I really look at her: the red hair, the blue, sightless eyes. But it’s her faint British accent that causes all the memories to come flooding back.

Nicola, the Primary’s second.

“You,” I growl, lunging viciously at the woman who conned me into binding Aurelia against her will.