Page 510 of Fated to be Enemies

Before Rhys saved me.

Before it all went to shit.

I just wouldn’t let myself believe it—too stubborn to admit I cared for the man chosen for me.

Well, I’m choosing him now.

“I know. I was just waiting for you to come around,” he says with a relieved smile. “I knew you’d get it eventually.”

He questioned it, and my declaration moved a weight off his chest. I wonder how many bricks he still had weighing him down.

“Good you know me so well, then,” I mutter, rolling my eyes at the gauzy fabric draped over the canopy bed.

“I’m sure there’s more to know. It might take me a while—maybe forever—to learn everything. Mind me sticking around?”

It’s how he phrased it that kills me—like he’s begging for this to be real, praying that what we have isn’t just a fluke or a dream or…

I pull his head up and stare him dead in the eye, whispering my demand. “You’d better.”

He nods, a hesitant grin pulling at the corners of his mouth.

I won’t let him go.

Not ever again.

Chapter Eleven


The best thing I’ve felt in my lifetime is waking up to Aurelia’s soft, warm, naked body half on top of me. Her head is resting on my chest, one hand pressing against the scars on my stomach, and one leg curled around mine. Even in sleep, she keeps trying to heal the wounds I’ve suffered. One of my arms is banded around her back, and the other is buried in her inky-black hair, massaging her scalp.

My mind is drifting, and for once in my life, I’m not focused on anything but the girl in my arms and the next time I can get her to moan for me.

Fates, her sexy, sweet moan.

I want to bottle it—brand it into my brain. I want to get her to make it a thousand—no, a million—more times. I want to watch her come apart forever. A smile pulls at my lips, and I tug on the sheet covering her luscious ass.

Her body is corded in muscle, but she’s soft in all the right places, her beautiful backside being one of them. Carefully rolling us, I get her on her back without rousing her, and then begin my wake-up call with a soft nip at her throat. That earns me a sleepy snuffle, so I move lower and cup her breast with my palm, giving her nipple a gentle tug with my teeth before sucking it into my mouth.

That wins me a squirm. I smile around her breast and move lower.

When I kiss and nip at her ribs and stomach, she gasps awake on a moan. I never knew that was an erogenous zone. Guess you learn something new every day.

“Morning,” she grumbles on a husky sigh.

Her lips are swollen from kissing me all night, and she has the epitome of sex hair, but she’s never looked more beautiful. Her eyes are half-closed, and that makes me want to do naughty things to fully wake her up.

Maybe when she’s slippery and soapy.

“Oh, good. You’re awake,” I say brightly as if I didn’t just rouse her from a dead sleep. “Wanna take a shower? You’re awfully sticky.”

One lone eyebrow rises. I have a feeling I’m not going to get much further without some incentive.

“If you get out of bed right now and let me do naughty things to you in the shower, I’ll make you an entire pot of coffee.”

Her eyes narrow.

Hmm. I’ll need more than that. “And I’ll make you breakfast.”