Page 476 of Fated to be Enemies

To me, Gaius would always be the one who freed me from a hell I could not have escaped alone. I sent up my own prayers with the priest for his soul to finally be at rest.

The priest lowered his hands, palms up, taking three steps back from the pyre. I marveled at how much he reminded me of the human priests I knew—benevolent and wise. We were all not so different as some might believe.

Gaius’s father filled his lungs with air and blew a great powerful flame straight into the kindling under his son’s head. Gaius’s mother and sisters followed, one sister wiping her tears before she could muster the strength. Finally, the other clan members followed suit until the pyre blazed bright against the darkening sky.

A shadow alighted on a crag just above us, a delicate Morgon woman. I gasped at her beauty. Her wings were a fan of color, beginning with the roots, a deep indigo graduating to sapphire, then sea-blue, cobalt, brightening to fire-gold, tipping the outer ridge in white. I’d never seen multi-colored Morgon wings before. I’d never seen anyone of this clan before. Her ebony hair shimmered with blue highlights against moon-pale skin. But the oddest thing of all was that even from here, I could see her eyes were the brightest gold—an unnatural color, setting her apart even from Morgonkind.

I glanced over my shoulder at Kol. He gave me a tilted smile, squeezing my waist to let me know he knew I had questions and would answer them later.

A sound unlike any other filled the evening sky. The Morgon woman’s song swept over the billowing fire, surrounding us with a sorrowful lament. It pierced the heart, bringing tears to my eyes, then slid away with a warming melody, ending her requiem in a harmony of peace and a wave of silence.

When she was done, and all was quiet but for the burning pyre, the family marched out and leaped off the edge toward Drakos. One by one, Morgons lifted away. Kol gathered me close. I slipped my arms around his neck, burying my face against his chest, and we flew into the night, the first pinpricks of starlight peeking from the distance.

Without asking, Kol answered my question. “She was of the Starfell clan. They are gifted with song.”

“Her voice.” The wind whipped against my face. “I felt it in my bones.”

“Some say they’re no better than witches, their song is so powerful. Those are the jealous ones. Yet, at every Morgon funeral rite and heartbinding ceremony, there is always a Starfell clan member to celebrate in song.”

I said nothing. He flew lower, taking us from the frigid air, city lights sparkling in the distance. Kol shifted closer to my ear. “I’d like to have one at our wedding ceremony.”

He had my attention. I stared at him, the wind tousling his hair. “So, you don’t mind having a human ceremony?”

“I know it would make you happy. Why can’t we have a combined one with two priests like your sister did?”

My heart ached at the thought of Lucius and Jessen’s wedding ceremony. “My father forbid me to attend. I didn’t get to see it.”

He swept his lips against my temple. “Sorry, love. But I’ll bet he attends ours.”

“I don’t know about that.”

“I do.”

I frowned at him, just as we landed on our terrace. He set me on my feet. “Your father is getting old. And from what you’ve told me, he loves you. Just as much as he loves your sister. There’s something about aging men that weakens the stubborn streak of their youth. Age is humbling to a man. He’ll want no more regrets. He’ll come.”

I smiled, hoping and believing this could be true. “You’d do this for me? Stand before an audience of humans and Morgons and hand over your heart in public.”

His eyes glittered silver by city lights. “Oh, Moira. I gave you my heart so long ago. I don’t give a damn what others see or think.”

I pulled him down, opening my lips over his. Our tongues slid over each other’s, a sensual lure. I instantly wanted to crawl into bed and drag him with me.

“Mmm. Don’t you have a rather important story to finish writing?” he teased.


He laughed, a full, hearty, wonderful sound. His hands slid into the opening of my cloak, trailing down to the hem of my dress. “Now where were we?”

“Seems you’ve already found where we were.”

His hands slid higher over my bottom. “I have a great memory.”

“You have a great many things.” I arched a brow. “However, I wonder if you have any surprises left.”

Predator-still, he let the dragon peer down from slit-pupil eyes. A deep-chested growl rumbled against my chest. “A challenge, Kittycat?” Before I could utter another word, he had me indoors, spread on my back on the kitchen table. “I will do my best and let you be the judge.”

I laughed at his sudden reaction, which faded quickly as he whipped open my cloak, leaving it clasped around my neck as he undressed the rest of me, hands gliding, knowing every curve and line of my body.

Caught in the hot blue as his lips sealed to mine, I marveled once more at the heartbond, drawing us ever more in sync. My Morgon man was full of fire and love, and as I would learn over the years, full of many, pleasurable surprises.