Page 473 of Fated to be Enemies

“You would have bound yourself to him?”


“No.” He clutched me in his arms, an embrace of desperation and longing and sheer panic. One hand cradled my nape, fingers firm. The other spread against the small of my back. “Never.” His words ground low, like a stone wall sliding open. “Never will you sacrifice yourself for me, for anyone!”

“I could’ve stopped him if you’d let me. I could’ve killed him.” My ire rose with his, my fingers curling into fists against his chest. “He threatened to kill everyone?—”

“I don’t give a fuck if an entire city burns to the ground. I would have died without you. Don’t you understand?” His hands came up, cradling my face, fingers spreading into my hair along my scalp, his hold too tight. “This is no longer your body, your heart, or your soul. It is mine.”

A sob escaped. “But it’s not, is it?” Voice shaking, I have no idea how I could challenge such a man with the undeniable edge of insanity filling his eyes. Even so, I pushed him to the brink. “Not without soulfire, I’m not. I never will be.”

The old fear skittered across his face.

“Someone once told me to never let fear lead me.” I swiped the back of one hand across my cheek. “But you do. How long will you let fear lead you?”

I knew the second he snapped, the moment he took what fate had offered. I caught a glimpse of possession, obsession, and devotion from the piercing blue. Then he made me his, once and for all.

I don’t know how, but a second later, I was on the ground underneath him, his glorious body pinning me to the earth. His mouth opened over mine, a brutal taking. His tongue stroked in deep. He pressed harder against my body, sealing our love with a kiss only Kol could give.

A blazing wave of liquid fire melted from his mouth into mine, streaming into my blood, rocking me through muscle and bone. I flinched at the electric shock. He pressed me harder into the cold ground, as if I needed to feel the force he wielded, the power of his love, sealing us with the flames of soulfire. My pulse pounded an erratic rhythm as molten pleasure flooded through my veins. I moaned, sucking on his tongue to feel another wave pound through my body, a rush of flowing flame.

Jessen was right. There were no words.

A growl rumbled against my chest…then I felt it. A syncing, interlocking snick, my heart beating in perfect rhythm to his. Breathless and panting, I pulled apart.

Yes. He felt it. His expression reflected my own—a profound knowing of one another locked into place. Fixed, like the brightest star in the darkest night. We didn’t just belong to one another. We existed on the same plane, every breath a comingling of our love, growing, expanding, as long as we lived.

For many minutes, we did nothing but touch each other and absorb the sensation into our skin, as if love itself were a tangible blanket wrapping us in an unbreakable bond. When he pulled away from me, I was exhausted, and yet ached for more at the same time.

“Now,” he said, voice like black velvet, “you are mine.” He pressed his mouth more gently against my lips.

The sensual sting of soulfire slid down my throat, pouring straight to the heat between my legs. “I am yours.”

He trailed his hot mouth down the tender column of my throat.

“Forever?” I asked.

“Yes.” As always, Kol gave me the immediate truth, a promise that nothing could sever us in this world.

He let his teeth scrape before he licked and kissed a trail lower. Though my brain fogged and could hardly function when his mouth and hands worked on me, I needed to know something. “Kol?” My voice was little more than a whisper.

I’d avoided this question till now. I couldn’t let a sorrowful answer change my decision of being bound to him. I wanted nothing more in my entire life, and I wouldn’t let my own fears stand in the way.

“Yes.” He lifted his head, meeting my gaze, eyes a cerulean sea. His thumb stroked a tender caress along my jaw as if I were a precious treasure he feared he would break or lose if he pressed too hard.

“Will you live my lifespan? Or, will I live yours?”

Morgons lived much longer than humans. I feared my earlier death would doom him. Yet, I had been too selfish to ask, wanting all of him no matter what the consequences might be.

Kol smiled. A wicked, lascivious smile. “Moira, my love. We are the dominant species. In all ways. Your heart will stay strong, linked to mine. And now that I have you, I plan to live longer than Petrus himself.”

I laughed. He pressed his lips to mine again, soulfire singing down my throat. I whimpered, tasting the Morgon elixir of love, life, and eternal belonging. I nipped his lips.

“Can we do this again when we’re alone? When we’re back home.” I could only imagine the pleasure of soulfire when we were bound in the most intimate of ways.

“It’s my first priority.”

“Of course it is.”