Page 445 of Fated to be Enemies

“Damn it, Julian.” He knew better than to open the doors, but a child didn’t understand the repercussions. He must’ve thought since his mother was sleeping, he could get away with it.

The guard should’ve closed the door and sent him back in. I pulled the Volt gun from the harness under my sweater, edging toward the curtain rolling with the gusting wind. Pulse pounding in my throat, I parted the curtains.

The guard lay crumpled on the tile floor, wings obviously broken in several places, a pool of his own blood seeping across the entrance. From the crimson pool, tiny bloody footprints led farther out onto the terrace.

“Julian!” I screamed, running out onto the balcony, Volt gun aimed and ready.

I’d never known true fear until I saw what awaited me against the far wall of the terrace. Barron Coalglass held my nephew before him, clutching his tiny throat with one hand, bending one wing with the other. As a child, his wings were still pliant, but not unbreakable. I was more concerned about his throat.

“Put the gun down, Moira.” Cold, commanding words. His arrogant sneer made my gut roil.

“Let him go, Barron.”

He laughed, his black eyes never leaving me. “Good to know you’ve put your investigating skills to good use. Now that we both know who one another is, let me explain something. I have nothing to lose whereas it seems…you do.”

He tightened his grip on Julian’s throat. My nephew whimpered, round eyes wide and full of fear, his small body seeming more fragile and vulnerable in the shadow of a killer.

“Julian,” I whispered. “It’ll be okay.”

“Well, now,” said Barron. “It might and it might not be. That all depends on you.”

“What do you want?” My hand trembled, my finger itching to pull the trigger.

“I thought that was quite obvious.” He grinned. “You.”

“The other guards will realize we’re missing shortly. You’re insane if you think you’ll get away.”

“I’m not as stupid as you think. Intel guarantees that the Nightwing men are gone from the premises and are quite preoccupied with their misguided attempts at capturing us. As for the other guards, well, they’re all dead. Your sister and the servants are currently taking a chemical-induced nap. You see, there’s no one to come to your rescue. You have no options.”

I glared at Barron, trying to hold the gun steady, my eyesight blurring with angry tears.

“Moira.” His tone lost its friendly note, dropping to threatening and deadly. “Put down the gun and come quietly, or I’ll crack his neck and toss him over the side. Or maybe not. Maybe I’ll break his wings, toss him over, and let the fall do the rest. Then Gor and Balisk behind you there will slit your sister’s throat, after they have a little fun with her, and kill the servants. And still, we’ll take you kicking and screaming.”

I felt the two at my back, not daring to take my gaze from Barron. Malice gleamed from his eyes. He was right. I had no choice.

“If I come without a fight,” I choked out, “you’ll not harm my nephew or my sister or anyone else.”

“I promise.” He smiled.

“How can I trust you? You’re a bloody murderer.”

“True. I suppose you’ll have to take that chance.”

I’d never known hatred like I did at that moment, helpless to do anything but what he wanted. It shook me, along with the fear and anger vibrating through my frame.

I dropped the gun. My hands were pinioned behind my back at once by the two Morgons behind me. One of them roped my wrists together, leaning toward my neck and sniffing like the animal he was. “She’s been marked.”

“I see that,” said Barron. “Violently so. By a very dominant male. Seems we’re taking someone’s prize.”

I held my head high. “Yeah, and he’ll kick your ass if you hurt me.”

Disregarding my comment, he marched closer, guiding Julian by the wing. “It’s no matter, our master is more dominant than all of them put together. He’ll wipe that scent right off.”

I started to struggle. “Let Julian go, Barron.”

“Ah, yes. Our deal. Gor, break all of the comm devices in the home and lock him inside. The others will be out for hours. That’s all we need.”

A hand holding a chemical rag covered my mouth and nose. A cold sweat swept over me as the drug pulled me under, and arms wrapped me in a steel grip. The last thing I heard was Julian screaming my name.