Page 429 of Fated to be Enemies

Kieren turned a sharp look on his twin. “Of course you do.” With a regal bow and a forced smile to me, he leaped over the edge, swooping down, then arcing back up into the clouds. I gasped, watching his steady ascent, always marveling at the grace of Morgon flight.

Trying to suppress any note of jealousy, I asked, “Who’s Valla?”

Kol was behind me, his chest brushing my shoulders. “Our sister.”

His warm breath swept across my neck. At once, I remembered his lips on my skin, shivering at the thought.

“What’s an Assassin’s Trial?”

“The final test before she earns a place in the Guard’s Assassin Order. A division only for Morgon women.”

Turning around with my back against the balustrade, I gazed up at him. “There are women in the Morgon Guard?”

A slow nod, eyes drifting to my lips. Subconsciously, or maybe consciously, I wet them. Sapphire flared.

“Morgons need national assassins?”

“Every nation needs assassins. Morgons simply choose not to hide what they are behind a name such as the Gladium Special Forces.”

He got me there. “Why only Morgon women?”

“They’re swift and silent. And like women of both races, they’re good at deception.”

Switching subjects. “Your brother has a limp. How was he injured?”

“I broke his leg.” He clenched his jaw, forcing out the words. “Right after he cut open my face.”

What? I’d always thought he’d been dealt that injury by an enemy, not his own blood. His twin.

Lightning-fast, he gripped my face in his large hands, power vibrating like an electric current. He could crush my skull, kill me in a heartbeat if he wanted, and the way he looked at me now, I feared he would.

“Don’t you fucking pity me.” Harsh, grating words. “Don’t!”

His grip tightened, pressing at my cheekbones. A whispered cry escaped me. His lips were on mine—scorching, devouring, punishing me for whatever wrong I’d done. His tongue licked in, tasting me with fierce passion. He crushed my body against one of the stone pillars linking the stone balustrade to the mountain. Ice-cold at my back, a wall of Morgon heat at my front, my mind hazed, drifting from coherent thought to my needy body. One of his hands slid from my face to my throat, encircling it entirely as his assault with lips and tongue and teeth continued. A black shield of wings covered us, blocking out the cold, gray world, focusing my attention on him and him alone. Heat bloomed between my legs. I moaned. He growled, deep in his chest.

This was crazy. This was unbridled lust. Some innate desire to want the bad boy. That was it, nothing more. Right? And I wasn’t the kind of girl to give in to such shallow passions, such superficial feelings. I wasn’t an animal. I didn’t need to scratch that itch whenever it arose. I was a strong, smart, reasoning woman.

I pushed him with great force, managing only to break our lips apart. “Stop, Kol.” Panting like I’d sprinted a mile, the hoarse desire in my voice betrayed me. “This can’t happen. I told you. I’m not interested in being with anyone right now.”

He made a sound in his throat, something between a growl and a laugh. Removing his hand from my face, he kept the one around my neck, stroking his thumb down to my collarbone, causing a sensual tingle to zip down my body. “You can think whatever you want with that logical brain and defiant will of yours. It still won’t change the truth.”

I ignored his hand, the feel of his stroking thumb.

Tried to. Wasn’t working. “What truth?”

He removed his hand, leaving me cold, leering down as if he wanted to bite and swallow me whole. “That you belong to me. You just don’t know it yet.”

Chapter Fifteen

You belong to me?

His words circled in my head as I stared blankly at the comm screen, scrolling down a junior reporter’s feature story on the struggles of the freshman student. I hadn’t read a word. The story was meaningless next to other more pressing matters.

Even with the Devlin Butchers still at large, my wayward mind kept wandering to thoughts of strong hands and smoldering lips forcing me into submission. Lovely, sensual submission.

What was wrong with me! I didn’t behave like this, like some swoony, smitten schoolgirl.

I couldn’t wrap my mind around Kol’s conflicting behavior, though. One minute he was coarse and rude, insinuating humans were beneath his notice. The next, he had his tongue down my throat, making my body sing with each passionate stroke. I squirmed uncomfortably in my office chair, remembering the heat in his eyes when he had laid that last searing kiss on me.