Page 427 of Fated to be Enemies

I joined him, gazing down at the frosted treetops far below.

“Where are we?”

“The northern tip of Singing Wind Wood.”

Geography lessons flashed through my mind and what I remembered from my first flight with Kol to Petrus’s home. Mount Obsidian was south of Drakos. Singing Wind Wood wrapped around the mountain to the southeastern edge of the Drakos Province where another mountain range hemmed in the eastern border of the woods.

“Your home is set in the Feygreir Mountains.”

A tight nod. He did not move, as stone-like as his tower. His scar was softened by the gray morning light, blending with his features. He appeared more vulnerable, though no less powerful.

“How old are you?”

His attention shifted, eyes roving over my face. “Thirty-three.”

Thirty-three? That was kind of old. Not by Morgon standards since they lived two or three centuries, but I’d never date a human that old. At least, I thought I wouldn’t. Wait. I wasn’t going to date him. What was I thinking?

His gaze, heavy and dark, made me retreat inwardly. “Too much man for you, Moira?”

I tightened my hold on the blanket.

“Look, Kol. No matter what happened last night, I’m just not, I’m not interested in dating right now.”

“Dating.” He laughed with a sarcastic lilt. “Humans.” He shook his head.

A burning flush crawled up my neck. I hated it when he mocked me.

“I’m not interested in dating, either.” He moved close. I backed up, my butt hitting the wall. He caged me in, arms on the stone balustrade on either side of me, the upward draft sheering across the mountain lifting my dark hair. “There’s no such concept in the Morgon world.”

“Morgons don’t date? That’s ridiculous. Of course, you do.”

“We fuck. And we mate. There is nothing in between. No trying a guy on for size.” His voice had dipped low, vibrating against my skin like a rough caress.

I tilted my head at a sassy angle. “Kind of beastly, don’t you think?”

His mouth tipped up in a feral grin. “We are beasts, Moira. We scratch that urge when needed. We heartbind when the beast tells us so. No. You and I won’t be dating.” He said the word as if it were poison, leaning closer and inhaling a deep breath. “We’re tied nonetheless. Whether or not it fits the pretty picture of your idealized future makes no difference. You?—”

A strong gust of wind blew my hair across my face. With a violent turn, Kol snapped out his wings, guarding me against a sudden intruder I could no longer see. Shielded by Kol’s massive body, I heard the crunch of boots on stone and the soft whoosh of large wings folding. The jovial rumble of laughter let me know this was no attacker.

“Seriously, Kol. Is this how you greet all your guests?”

Coiled tight, Kol’s body loosened just a fraction, his wings sliding closed. He’d drawn a long dagger, now sheathing it back into its holster in his boot. I didn’t even know he carried weapons. I stepped from behind him.

The sight of the Morgon man standing opposite him nearly knocked me on my ass.

Double. I was seeing double. Absolutely identical to Kol, but for the scar and the hair. The stranger bore the same sharp angles as his brother, but his smile, something I suspected he wore frequently, softened his features. His sapphire eyes danced with life, whereas Kol’s burned with darker emotions. There was a difference in attire, too. The newcomer wore business casual pants and a starched, pale-blue shirt. His clean-cut hair was styled so that a heavy lock slid forward in a sexy sweep. So different from the wild, dark waves of Kol and his combat-ready clothes.

“Well, well, dear brother.” His brow arched, and a smile widened in an expression that had surely seduced many a woman. “Who have we here?”

Kol heaved out a heavy, heavy sigh. “Kieren, this is Moira Cade.”

“A great pleasure to meet you. I’d kiss your hand, but I’m afraid my brother would rip out my throat.”

Kol’s response was a low growl. I started to inch forward, but his rigid stance warned me to keep still.

“I had no idea Kol had a twin brother.”

“Keeping me a secret, I suppose.” Kieren winked. “Didn’t want to take the chance of me stealing you away.”