Lies, lies, and more lies.
Marisa stood up, addressing the High Court. “We will announce your union to the House today, sending word to the compounds worldwide.” She glanced down Elias’s body for a moment before continuing and widening her eyes for effect. “When it has become official, that is.”
I didn’t know how much more official this could be.
Soon the news would reach every corner of the world. But more importantly, it would reach my family. I dreaded talking to them about it. To keep lying to them. Deep down, they would know the truth, but that didn’t change the fact that I couldn’t speak freely to them about it.
Elias turned around to face me, reached into his pocket, then pulled out a black box and dropped down to one knee.
“Um . . .” I said in a panic before I considered my audience. I did a quick scan around the room, trying to cover my blunder. I smiled through clenched teeth.
I’d seen movies where the women would shriek and fan themselves. Cry with joy and happiness. Me? I stood there, frozen.
This isn’t real, I reminded myself.
I’m just playing a part. A role.
I met Elias’s steely gaze. A harsh reminder in the moment to get my shit together for the sake of the show.
I pressed my lips into a smile. “I didn’t know this was one of your customs,” I whispered, knowing full well everyone could hear me.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Nova turn her head away. Even my wolf was embarrassed for me as my awkwardness and emotions leaked into her.
“This makes it official,” Elias said casually. He opened the box to reveal a ridiculously large, pink beryl ring encased in a silver setting. Intricate signs were carved into the side, but I had no idea what they meant.
“You shouldn’t have,” I deadpanned. My gut twisted and rolled. Really. He shouldn’t have.
Elias cocked an eyebrow. He held my hand in his, keeping his gaze fixed on me, his thumb caressing my skin as he slowly slid the ring onto my finger. Time almost stilled. The sensual contact between us elicited a shiver I tried to suppress.
He pressed a kiss onto my hand, sending tingles through my veins. I struggled to keep myself upright.
He winked, standing up, and then held my hand up for everyone in the room to see.
Minor chatter filtered in while I silently prayed to whatever gods existed in this world or the next for all of them to leave.
Marisa smirked. “And so the announcement shall be made.”
The High Court left their table, heading toward the exit as they talked amongst themselves. Marisa and Uriah sounded as though they were distributing orders, pointing at individuals, and nodding about things I couldn’t make out.
They were almost gone.
I exhaled through my nose at a slow pace, keeping myself grounded.
I would be okay.
I’d made it through this.
Bianca elbowed Katie, the last two to leave as the door shut behind them. I caught a glimpse of the giant grin on Bianca’s face, the candlelight reflecting on her shiny fangs. “Look at the two of them,” she said, making no attempt to speak quietly. “She’s adorably innocent. I can’t wait until they have an heir. That baby will have all the good genes.”
My stomach roiled and the door clicked shut.
Nova scrambled out of the way, knowing what was coming. Her hind legs struggled to gain traction, sliding around while she tried to move away from me.