Page 373 of Fated to be Enemies

The Princess of Nothing

The Court of Secrets


Waking the Dragon


Morgon Clan Glossary

In alphabetical order:

Bloodback: Blood-red wings. Dragon magic—fangs that can produce/release fatal poison.

Coalglass: Black, shiny-scaled wings. Dragon magic—supernatural speed in flight.

Fireblade: Red-orange wings. Dragon magic—none. EXTINCT.

Goldenwing: A mythical Morgon. Golden skin, hair, and wings. Dragon magic—her touch or breath turns anyone and anything to gold.

Greyclaw: Gray wings, sharp-clawed tips. Dragon magic—none.

Huntergild: Dark, forest-green wings. Dragon magic—sixth sense in tracking and hunting prey.

Icewing: White wings. Dragon magic—healing power of blue-fire.

Moonring: Black wings with blue sheen (descended from the Nightwing clan). Dragon magic—dreamwalkers; can visit and even influence the will of others through dreams.

Nightwing: Black wings. Dragon magic—dominance. Powerful alpha bloodlines. The first Morgon born, Larkos, was a Nightwing.

Rowanflame: Rust-red wings. Dragon magic—firedancers; can control dragon flame.

Silverback: Giant silvery-gray wings. Dragon magic—none. However, they are known for their powerful strength in their wings, marking them as the most powerful flyers among Morgonkind.

Skyshadow: Sapphire-blue wings. Dragon magic—can camouflage, some say even disappear, in the sky.

Starfell: Multi-colored wings—a gradation of hues, dark indigo, sapphire, sky-blue tipped with orange, gold, and white. Golden-eyed. Dragon magic—siren-like song. Some have the gift of prophecy.

Sunsting: Yellow wings and matching eyes. Dragon magic—none.

Violetvale: Pale purple wings. Dragon magic—profound gift in the arts and creativity.

Woodblade: Brown wings. Dragon magic—none.





The beautiful blonde froze.


She peered down the darkened corridor of the cellar beneath the Vaengar Stadium. No one.