Page 354 of Fated to be Enemies

“That was just… way too fast.” She blinked several times. “I’m dizzy.”

“It’s okay. I bet Maddox will be just as disoriented.”

“Good.” She sighed. “Make sure to go extra fast with him.”

“I will,” I smirked.

Her expression straightened. “Elle, for real, this is a brilliant plan. We’re going to save everything because of you.”

My legs felt like they’d turned to gelatin. Gods, I hoped my plan worked. If not, then I’d have killed us all.

After whisking Edmund and Maddox to the cave opening, I leaned back against a snow-powdered rock. “Once I open this portal, things can get out,” I explained. Although they already knew, Naomi didn’t. “Time will be of the limit. The last time I got out, two demons came with me. If any realize this is open, they’ll swarm.”

Naomi leaned over her spell book. “Then we wait to open it until we’re prepared. How long will the spell take?” She looked at Edmund.

“Thirty minutes maybe.” He looked at me. “Do you think you can get your sister out before then and kill Alexander?”

I gazed up, into the oblivion of white. “I hope so.”

“We need the soul of the goddess of the dead if you want this to work,” Naomi said, as if I didn’t already know. It was the only way I could repay Thalia for what had happened. I already needed to keep Leda trapped in the underworld, else I would die, and getting Raiden and Aziel was the right thing to do—even if he had broken my heart.

“Try not to miss!” Maddox shouted as I left, the dagger sheathed to my thigh.

Chapter Thirty-Three

The mountain disappeared in a flurry of white. My boot crunched against the ice as I scaled the jagged rocks, feeling invincible with the knowledge I couldn’t die. Mona was somewhere close. I could hear the steady beat of her heart and the racing of Alexander’s. Edmund, Maddox, and Naomi were far away now, even though I left them mere minutes ago. The distance I could travel in such a short time was invigorating. I could go anywhere, do anything. The cold was nothing as winds kissed my skin, spreading goose bumps along my arms.

I held my breath, letting my hunting senses overthrow the mortal version of Elle who’d never have crouched over a rock, listening for heartbeats, or smelled the air for a hint of blood or flesh. My lips curled, a snarl escaping them when I heard Alexander’s voice reverberate down the mountains. The words, although intelligible, carried an unmistakable angry yet fearful tone.

Quieter than a whisper of a breeze, I climbed the side of the mountain, finding crevices to hold onto with ease. My sharp vision latched onto them, my hands instinctively reaching for them. The clumsiness attached to my mortal self had all but disappeared. My lips parted when I reached the small cabin, nestled into the ledge on the mountain as if it were a part of it. It was more like a house. It was made from stone, undoubtedly Freya’s doing. Only she would have had the strength to build something like this up this far and the desire to do it somewhere so out of the way. The stone bricks jutted out, arching over a door of thick oak. Carefully I stepped forward, holding my breath as I reached the front door.

Hesitance paused me for a second. One mistake and he could snap my sister’s neck just as fast as I could reach them. I closed my eyes, recalling our plan word-for-word, and opened the door. Tears welled my eyes when I saw Mona hunched over by a crackling fire. Alexander whipped around from the sofa. My bottom lip quivered, and a tear trickled out. I let every emotion spill through me, crashing into me like a waterfall. I used the memories of Mona and me as children to guide my anger toward Alexander. It helped make my story believable.

“Where’s Freya?” I looked around, scanning for her even though I knew where she was. Fortunately, I’d had the sense to change out of my blood-soaked clothes before making the journey. “She said she was coming back here after hunting Aziel.”

He looked from me to Mona, uncertainty frowning his lips. “She’s not here.”

“She did this.” I balled my fist. “Raiden’s dead.” My breath hitched. I placed my hand against my chest. “He’s gone, and she made me take his place.”

“You’re a goddess?”

“Yes! I’m here to kill her for it.”

“No.” He stood, shaking his head. “I won’t let you hurt her.”

“Where is she? She must’ve killed Aziel by now.”

“She hasn’t. She must be still hunting him because she hasn’t returned yet.”

Mona’s shoulders slumped as she looked from Alexander to me. “Ellie, I’m sorry.”

She was so close. In arms’ reach. If I could just get close enough, maybe I wouldn’t have to go through with the plan. Maybe I could…

He stood in front of her. “You can have her back once Freya says so.”

“You’ve both taken enough from me,” I cried, cupping my face in my hands. “At least let me have my sister. If you don’t, I will hunt you. Both of you.”

His bottom lip trembled as I watched him through the gaps between my fingers. “She’ll return your sister once she returns.”