Page 34 of Fated to be Enemies

They were just masks, though. Empty, hollow facades that both people put on for the world because that was what was called for.

And now, I was going to be wearing a mask too. I glanced down to Nova as she trotted beside me, and we shared a moment of unspoken support.

“Your expression changed,” Elias said. “You don’t seem as nervous as you were.”

My head snapped up, and I pressed my lips together. “Thanks for reminding me.”

Approaching the door, Ysa stopped and gripped the handle.

Elias sighed. “That’s not what I meant.” He grabbed my hand, threading our fingers together. I tensed, then quickly tried to shake that off. He brought our joined hands to his mouth, pressing a kiss on top of my skin. I shivered, trying to shake off the flutters that were definitely not part of this business arrangement. There were moments where it was hard to remember that was what this was. When we got lost in conversation or the tension got too thick. I swallowed hard as he whispered. “Mates touch. They hold hands. Follow my lead, and you’ll be fine.” I hummed, nodding my head up and down in quick motions, and Nova huffed. “You ready?”

“Do I have a choice?” I cracked my neck, letting out a harsh breath.

He reached into his pocket, then nodded in Ysabeau’s direction. “Showtime,” he mouthed, and I thought I turned a shade green.

“No, wait,” I said quickly.

Too late.

The doors opened, and every member of the High Court turned in our direction.

Oh, god.

Follow his lead? What did that even mean?

Panic, that was what.

No, that was wrong. He wasn’t panicking. What was he doing?

I glanced at Elias from the side as he walked in with confidence, like he owned the room.

He did, technically. King of Blood and Beryl, and all that.

I was the fraud.

But the same way he pretended to be unfeeling and Ysabeau pretended to be his silent counterpart, my role was to be a dumbstruck woman infatuated with her mate. Without the “dumb” part.

Our footfalls sounded, echoing off the high ceilings in the grand room. Chandeliers with magic candles filled the space, the same as his—our—room. At the end was a dais, only slightly raised. In front of it was an ornately carved U-shaped table. It was the longest walk ever. I wasn’t sure if I was marching to my execution, but that was what it sure felt like.

The overwhelming desire to hold my breath took over. I swallowed, feeling a thick lump in my throat. My palms started sweating. My armpits were damp.

Had I put on deodorant? Aw, shit. They may not have the same heightened sense of smell that wolves had, but BO was not a good first impression for a queen to make.

Twelve pairs of vampire eyes focused on me, flicking their gazes to where Elias held my hand. Then to my giant wolf, walking beside me.

My stomach twisted.

Elias squeezed my hand gently, sending a smidge of reassurance. Nova nudged her head against my arm, reminding me she was by my side, like always.

The words my sister had told me my entire life replayed in my mind.

“You know who you are. Own it.”

I ran my fingers through Nova’s fur, regaining my strong posture. Holding my shoulders back, I raised my chin.

We walked silently, and I followed Elias’s lead, per his instruction. Past the table and to the raised platform.

My vision swam for a moment. This was his throne room. He’d failed to mention that detail.