Page 316 of Fated to be Enemies

“Lucius.” My eyebrows flicked up in surprise. “Their father, the god of the underworld?”

“God of justice,” he said, correcting. “But yes, he does have domain over the underworld.”

“You’re working with their father to hunt them?”

He shuffled uncomfortably, pushing his blond curls over his shoulder. “We have heard Lucius wants replacements. His children have plagued this world with more sin, and he wants to set things right.”

I scoffed. “Says the man who helped kidnap me, and hit me over the head, and is in love with the woman who eats hearts!” Gods, these people were mad. “I thought gods were meant to help mortals. Hmm?”

His eyebrows furrowed. “I suppose.”

“Do you really think Freya cares about helping mortals, like us?” I pointed at him so he understood he was still a mortal, because he seemed to be under the illusion he was more.

“You don’t understand her. No one does but me. She’s been through more pain than either of us can imagine.”

“I know what she went through, but it’s no excuse. She decided to make the wrong choices time and time again.” I inhaled sharply. “Can you really blame Raiden and the others for hunting her? She killed their sister, Alexander. Do you have siblings? A family?”

“I did.”

“What happened to them?”

“They left me.” He looked down, and guilt stabbed through me. I knew that look all too well.

“So did mine.” Silence fell over us both for a moment. “I’d still kill for them though—for my sister anyway. She’s all I have left.”

“I did not know you had a sister.”

I opened my mouth to speak but thought better of it.

He looked back out the window, turning his back toward me. “Where is she?”

I swallowed thickly. “She’s… away from here.”

“In Istinia?”

I shook my head. “No, uh. She’s not a witch.”

“Ah,” he said slowly. “Interesting.”

“Hardly.” I scoffed. “Besides, enough about my family. What about yours?”

“Freya is my family. My everything.”

“She can’t be the only person you care about.”

“She is.”

“Fine.” I huffed. “Then what would you do if someone with a tortured past came along and killed her for her immortality?”

His expression darkened. “I’d kill them.”


“Look, I can’t stop Lucius from hunting his children. It’s the best thing for you mortals.”

“Us mortals,” I said. “Us.”

“For now.” He rhythmically tapped his fingers against his thigh. “He’s already come for them from the underworld. There’s nothing I can do.”