Page 280 of Fated to be Enemies

I glanced at the book. “That’s amazing, what you found.”

“I will let Edmund know. Go sleep it off, Elle.”

I pressed my lips together. “Right.”

I moved to the door and heard Maddox whispering to Felix. “There will be more murders yet. If I’m right, then the intricate tracing spell we were doing wouldn’t have helped. The amount of blood needed to keep the strength of this type of cloaking spell up is astronomical. It only makes you wonder what the person is so desperate to hide they’d kill this many people.”

“Or,” Felix said, “they enjoy killing, and the spell only helps them continue.”

His last sentence sent a shiver down my spine. “I’m going to bed,” I said, although I had no idea where bed was. I clicked the door shut behind me and walked up the hall. The sofa it was.

I was surprised to see Viktor still awake, sitting in the living room where discarded cards covered the rug.

“Did you find her?”

“Hmm? Oh, Nai. She’s in my room, ruining my sheets and hating me.”

He arched a dark eyebrow. “What did happen?”

“Craig made a move on me. I pushed him off. Naomi thought I wanted him. She’s hurt because she’s had a crush on him since forever, and now I’m the bad guy.” I slumped down next to him.

“Want a drink? I can tell you all about being the bad guy.” He smirked.

My stomach swirled. “I’ve had enough for one night.”

“Coffee? Tea? Wait, hot cocoa. Isn’t that your favorite?”

“Very observant of you.”

He leaned back against the sofa cushions. “We can move to the kitchen.”

“I’m actually kinda tired.”

“Good idea. It’s been a night.”

I pursed my lips. “Actually, you’re sitting on my bed.”

He glanced down. “Ah, right. Naomi is in your bed.”

“Yep, and all the spare rooms are taken. Edmund’s is locked.”

“I have a bed.”

My heart raced. “I don’t imagine you’ve been sleeping on the floor.”

“You can have it. I’ll crash on the sofa.”

“I can’t do that.”

“You can and you will. Come on.” He helped me up. The whiskey was hitting me hard. “Let’s get you to bed.”

“Wait.” I paused, the alcohol making me way braver than I normally was. Buzzing ran under my skin. “Please don’t put your name in at the call, if you were thinking about it.”

“I told you before, doll, I have to do what’s best for me.”

“I need this.” I let tears gloss my eyes. I didn’t care how I looked anymore. “The sister I left behind in Salvius, she needs me. I’m the only family she has left, and being keeper means I might be able to get to her, maybe even bring her here. Also, everyone likes and accepts you here. I’ve never been accepted by the other covens, except for the magicians. My magic’s always been looked at as weak because I’m human-born, like you.”

He wrapped his arm around my waist as I stumbled forward.