Page 265 of Fated to be Enemies

“Yes.” His interest piqued. “They’ve begun it already, but according to Edmund, it could take weeks.”

I stared at everything and nothing, lost in numbness. “In the meantime, people will continue dying.”

“I believe so,” he said matter-of-factly. “Don’t worry, doll. Whoever’s behind this will get what’s coming to them.”

“I hope they get sent to the underworld to be tortured for eternity by Lucius.”

He chuckled, breaking the foreboding atmosphere. “I doubt the underworld is quite like that. I’m sure Lucius doesn’t have the time to individually torture every soul.”

“What makes you an expert?”

He shrugged. “Common sense?”

I couldn’t help but smile. At least he’d taken my mind off it for a second. “I should go to bed.”

“Good night, Elle.”

I loved the way my name sounded from his lips but hated how I liked it. He stood, then kneeled next to me. Leaning in, I parted my lips. His cologne reminded me of pine and rain. Closing my eyes, I could feel the heat emitting from his body. I opened them again as he smirked.

“I’ll be taking this.” He waved the bottle of whiskey in his hand.

“Right.” I cleared my throat. “The whiskey. Yes, take it.”

Snapping myself out of the daze I’d unwillingly fallen in, I reminded myself that I wasn’t about to let some guy have me losing my sense. I wasn’t the swooning type, and I definitely wouldn’t swoon for him—not my direct competition for keeper. No matter how nice he was, he was still a threat.

Chapter Seven

Iloved skulls and white roses, dried flowers, and candles. My bookshelf, spread across my back wall, was beautiful. The black shelves held my favorite decorations between timeless books and first editions. I ran my fingers along the spines, delighting in the smell of parchment, old pages, and honeycomb coming from the only lit candle on the small table in front of the shelves. Sitting on the ground, I pulled out one book and placed it in my lap, hoping it would take away the nightmare of yesterday. Getting lost in another world right now would be a welcome relief.

Edmund had given me the day off. I should have been studying books on Lor and the history of Istinia and Salvius, not fiction, but I needed it and he knew it.

A curfew had been placed on the town, and the woods were cordoned off. Protectors had been stationed around various places and the different entrances to the woods. All towns in Fairwik province were on high alert. Viktor had left during the early hours of the morning and had yet to return, despite noon being around the corner.

After devouring half the book, I sat upright, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I needed a drink and some sustenance. Walking from my bedroom to the kitchen, I jumped when a knock sounded against the front door. My nerves were unbearably on edge. Every little noise had me flinching. Peering through the peephole, I sighed. It was only Naomi wearing her red magician robes.

“I see you finished early,” I said when I opened the door. “How did it go?” The call was coming up, and I was sure she would be doing everything she could to get ready.

“It was fine.” Her usual wide smile was replaced with an uncertain frown and furrowed brows. “Oh, Elle.” She wrapped her arms around me, pulling my head next to hers with her hand squishing my loose waves.

Breathing in a waft of peach and soap, I smiled against the skin of her shoulder. I let her hug me for a moment longer before pulling apart. I needed it, and I knew she could tell.

“We were all shocked. A body, found right near here. It’s nuts. His family was alerted this morning. Poor guy.”

My stomach flipped. “They identified him? So soon.”

She hesitated. “Yeah. It was Bryan Normandy.”

I closed my eyes as discomfort nestled into my stomach. I hadn’t recognized him when I found him. It had been so many years since he and I played as kids. I hadn’t been around him since we were thirteen, but placing a person to their corpse made it even more real. Bile bit up my throat, and I made a face. “I haven’t checked the newspaper. Is there any news on the killer? A sighting perhaps?” I crossed my fingers.

She shook her head. “My dad wanted to meet me this morning though.”

My eyebrows shot up. “How was it?”

“He just told me to be safe, and gave me this.” She pulled a dagger from her bag. “Wants me to use it, just in case.”

“That was decent of him, I guess.”

“He’s worried. I could see it. He never worries. They’re not close to catching whoever it is. He said they’re sending in a second caster to help with the spell. It’s all hands on deck now, with it being so close to home. He said if anyone will catch them, it’ll be his coven and not to worry.”