Deadwood: Town where Elle lives
Dramair: Currency in Salvius
Fairwik: Province where Elle lives
Istinia: Territory of witches and magic
Navarin: Main city in Istinia
Otherworld: Ruled by Estia, goddess of love
Prison realms: Three; for Thalia, Raiden, and Aziel
Purple Adins: Common plant used in potions
Regedam: Province in Istinia where Freya grew up
Salvius: Kingdom of humans
Skal: Currency in Istinia
Underworld: Ruled by Lucius, god of justice
Copyright © Rebecca L. Garcia 2021
Map © Daniel Garcia 2021
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, nor translated into a machine language, without the written permission of the publisher.
The moral right of the author has been asserted.
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events and organizations is purely coincidental.
Editing by Angie Wade at Novel Nurse Editing
Proofreading by Janna Bethel at Novel Nurse Editing
Cover Design by Dark Wish Designs
The sky grumbled in warning as the matte-black carriage approached the orphanage. Inkblot clouds shrouded the sun, darkness prevailing in a fog of deep, thick gray. Thick droplets fell from above, beating on the thin glass windows.
Storms weren’t unusual this time of year in the kingdom of Salvius, but they were never this strong. “It’s an omen,” I said in caution. I’d read all about them. “Because they hung that witch.” I ran my fingers along the dirty window, waiting for the carriage to open, but it remained shut. Everything was starting to feel like an omen since today began, a dreadful day I wished I’d not woken up for.
Avery, the head of magical enforcement in our small town, leaned against the peeling wallpaper on the back wall. She scribbled something in her notebook, then climbed her gaze back to me. “Our saints will not allow the darkness of witches to bring storms to our land, Elle. It is bad weather, nothing more.” The look in her eye and hesitant wobble of her bottom lip told me that was a lie.
“The carriage is here,” I said, only because I couldn’t hold it off any longer. They’d come for me, to take me away. “I’ll only go if I can take Mona.”
“You’re lucky you’re going at all.” Avery moved toward the door. “After the stunt you pulled, your director insisted you go to a jailhouse for minors, but the treaty”—she seethed on the word—“between us and Istinia insists you go to them. It’s one of the reasons their council of witches continues to keep the magic barrier up between the mountains.”