Page 239 of Fated to be Enemies

“Alina is older than me.” Orla shrugged. “Therefore, I don’t have a say in the matter, but as her sister and queen, I approve of whatever my sister chooses.”

I took her hand in mine, so relieved that the two of us had found each other once more.

Dallas steepled his hands. “Since I’m taken, Alina will have to settle for second best. Might as well be him. But he better step up and begin defending her honor since I’m the one who gave Curry the black eye.”

I figured it’d been him.

“I allowed myself to die for her to live.” A low growl came from Kieran.

I glared at Dallas and said to Kieran, He’s just trying to make you angry.

It worked. He’s not dead because he’s the one who brought you back to Terrea. I don’t care that he’s the king consort of Summer.

Dallas beamed, no doubt noting the way Kieran’s nostrils flared, but he said, “True. So, that’s why I’m okay with her choosing you.”

“Well, the High Court doesn’t agree with the union.” Quinley stood ramrod straight. “Since it’s across territories, you need our approval.”

The bitch wanted Kieran, but I refused to give her what she desired. I batted my eyes and glanced at my fated mate. “I’m assuming you can accept a new resident into your land. Since Orla is queen, I don’t need to stay part of the Summer Court.”

His brows shot upward. You’d move to Winter Court for me? Leave the warmth of your heritage lands behind?

If it means I can be yours in every way, of course I will. I was tired of all the excuses for why we couldn’t be together. If being declared Winter was what I needed to do, so be it. “I’ll become Winter fae, or maybe the royals of Summer and Winter can acknowledge me as one of their own, and thus, I’d have a dual territoryship.” I was using my dual citizenship knowledge from Earth to my advantage, trying to implement it here as well.

Orla sighed with relief. “I can support that if King Kieran can too.”

“Anything that will make you happy,” he said out loud as he cupped my cheek with his other hand. “I will gladly accept you as Winter under any terms.”

Prince Nolan chuckled. “It sounds like there’s no need for the High Court’s approval since each territory has resolved the matter in its own right.”

The fact that Prince Nolan was behind us as well made the situation even sweeter. If I could have dual court status, we could make it work for Brianne as well. Then, she and I would be part of Summer and Winter.

“I guess everything is settled.” Kieran stood and pulled me to my feet. “I would really like to take my mate, brother, and sister back to Geimhreadh Castle so we can get Alina acclimated.”

I couldn’t ask for anything better than that.

Everyone else stood from the table. Eamon and Kaley came to our end to speak to Orla and Dallas while Leanna, Caden, and Quinley glared at Kieran. The decision to grant me a dual territoryship gave both courts leverage, indicating there were workarounds if the High Court tried to abuse its power.

Not wanting to seem ungracious, I shook each High Court member’s hand and smiled. “I can’t wait for our first official High Court meeting.”

When I reached Orla, I threw my arms around her and whispered in her ear, “In three nights, let’s meet at Dath Waterfalls.” It was something we’d done when we were younger, and it seemed right that we would do it again now that I had returned.

As I pulled away, she nodded. “Wouldn’t miss it even if I had to travel to a warmthless climate to visit you.”

Dallas hugged me, and though Kieran groaned behind me, he remained a good sport. Then I hurried over to Maeve, catching her off guard with the same show of affection. Hugging her close, I whispered, “I’m counting on you to take care of Orla. You’re the only one I trust for that job.”

“Of course, Your Highness.” She winked at me.

Then Kieran took my hand, leading me out the door and starting our journey home.

One month later

My life was better than I could have imagined. Earlier tonight, Kieran and I had married. We’d decided to celebrate our wedding outside of Rioghail Tower, in the center of both territories, to further emphasize that both sides would be working together from here on. The High Court had been in attendance, despite their constant frowning, along with our families and witnesses from both territories.

I had chosen a white dress made of lace and cut low, emphasizing my curves, with snowflake designs woven into the dress and puffy, thin sleeves. I’d worn my Summer crown, its warm blaze of colors against the snow-white dress, emphasizing I was both Summer and Winter. The crown was made of vines and flowers that reminded me of Earth’s sunflowers but in pinks, blues, and purples, along with yellows. And, of course, I’d had the three women who had helped me get my feet under me when I’d arrived, dress and style me for the wedding.

Lilidh, Cara, and Enid had been ecstatic, not only to be part of my wedding day but to have a hand in the largest, most important wedding Talamh had ever seen. And they’d been even happier that I finally remembered them.

Sunfire blossoms had lined the streets, and with the fall and spring trees blending together in the background, we’d had the perfect backdrop. Orla and Brianne had been my bridesmaids, with Nolan as Kieran’s groomsman. Maeve had performed the ceremony, and nothing could have made the day more perfect with one exception.