Page 234 of Fated to be Enemies

Even though we couldn’t see or hear the audience, they could hear us.

Oh, summer had officially frozen over if he thought I was going to stand by and let this prick kill him faster. There had to be something I could do to help Kieran—I just needed to eliminate the man who’d damn near slit his throat.

Daniel’s jaw twitched as he nodded. “Please forgive me, Your Majesty.” Then he lifted his sword.

Roars shook the ground as the manticores arrived. But I didn’t care. All I wanted to do was finish the man who planned on hurting my fated mate. I called a vine and caught Daniel’s hand before he could strike then called another to retrieve Kieran’s sword and bring it to my hand.

This prick would die the way he’d killed my fated mate—throat slit by Kieran’s sword.

Eyes widening, Daniel turned to me, noticing me for the first time since he’d injured his king.

Alina, a manticore is targeting you, Kieran said, his fear palpable.

The sound of beating wings rained down on me, but I didn’t give a shit. There was one person I needed to end. One person who would die by my hand.

I released Daniel’s arm as the manticore’s growl rang in my ears. I lifted my other hand, and a streak of fire shot from my palm, hitting the beast. It shrieked like its friends had.

The monster jerked its head back, and the other four circled, giving me time to focus solely on him.

I swung the sword, and Daniel recovered enough to block the hit. I wanted his death to be quick, so I would have to do better than that.

Daniel advanced on me, and I stepped back happily. I didn’t want us anywhere near Kieran. I could see him dragging himself toward us as if he wanted to get involved in the fight.

Stay put, I said as I crossed blades with Daniel. The last thing I need is you getting trampled, and I swear, Kieran, if you ask him to kill you again, I will make your life a living summer.

Despite the pain swirling through him, I felt the warmth my threat gave him … something else … something strange, as if he was getting dizzy.

He was losing too much blood.

Clenching my teeth, I swung the sword, my shoulder aching from the discomfort. Between the vibrations of each block, I tried to grit my way through the pain of the worsening wound. I jabbed, trying to catch Daniel off guard, but he easily swiped the blade away.

Panting, I almost dropped the sword, and he kicked me in the chest. I flew backward, losing the sword, and rammed into a thick oak. Daniel turned to Kieran, who had stopped moving and was ghostly pale. He hurried to him, and I knew without a doubt what he was trying to do.

Obey his king.

Vines shot from the nearest tree, locking him in place as the four manticores descended upon us. Kieran’s time was running out, and I had to handle this so I could save him. I didn’t care about the manticores—they were keeping their distance from me, but Kieran and Daniel were in their sights.

As a manticore swooped down, I shot fire at it, hitting the tips of the monster’s toes while pushing myself even harder. I got my feet under me and readied my weapon.

Wind churned around me, indicating that Daniel was channeling his magic. This time, I was more prepared, and I focused the brunt of my magic on the ground. Vines snaked around my feet. The magic within me blared to life stronger than I’d ever experienced. As I stepped forward, the vines on one leg loosened, and new vines took root, propelling me toward them.

My connection to Kieran grew fuzzy. My heart pounded harder, and I screamed, You better stay awake!

Mo fhlùr, our time together is ending. Even in thought, he slurred like someone who had drunk too many spirits.

It better not be. I couldn’t lose him, not like this.

Hissing came from the other three manticores. Each time they hissed, they launched their quills. I stopped and placed my hands on the ground, then channeled all my magic into the earth. Vines sprouted and covered Kieran just as I raised my left hand.

Quills whistled through the air, but Daniel’s wind changed their direction, and they didn’t hit me. When the wind died down, I tapped into my fire magic, sprouting flames from my palms into the air. I screamed, needing this to be over, the flames pouring from me.

The three manticores all caught fire, and they screeched as they dropped to the ground and writhed in the flames.

I untangled the vines from Kieran and myself and turned to find Daniel choking, a quill protruding from his neck and eye. The impact had knocked him onto his back, his body sprawled at awkward angles and two puddles of blood seeping from underneath him.

I looked at Kieran, who was only ten feet away from Daniel. His face was paler than ever and sweat beaded on his forehead. Blood trickled from one corner of his lips.

The world shifted underneath me as I ran to my fated mate. I took his hand, wanting him to know I was there. The jolt barely buzzed, and I missed it desperately. Why didn’t you freeze him? If he’d had time to race over and cover me, he could have used his magic instead.