Page 222 of Fated to be Enemies

Pain cut through me, and I winced as he stretched and filled me.

“Are you—” A blinding smile filled his face.

“I am.” I nodded. I didn’t add in this life, certain it would take away from the moment.

He inched in slowly, giving my body time to adjust, and soon, he was completely inside me.

I’d never felt so full and complete. For the first time since I could remember, I didn’t feel a void inside me.

He kissed me and moved slowly, then faster, and soon, all the discomfort vanished as my hips thrust against his. He growled and increased the pace, and I panted and wrapped my legs around him. He slid his hands under my legs and lifted them so he could slide even deeper. Our bodies quickened the pace, each of us desperate to bring the other’s release.

He caressed my breasts as he slid in and out of me. Friction knotted in my core, and before I realized what was happening, ecstasy pulsed through me. My head dropped back as he kept a steady and fast movement, watching as I succumbed to the sensations.

“Mo fhlùr,” he groaned, pumping faster. “I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as you at this moment.” He removed his hand from my breast and settled it between my legs, circling my core as he continued his rhythm.

I wasn’t sure how it was possible, but my body was already tensing again. The desperate need for another release took control as his fingers pressed harder and more insistently.

“Are you close again?” he gritted out.

I nodded, at a loss for words.

“Good.” He threw his head back, and his body jerked and arched into mine.

Moments after his orgasm, a third one pulsed through me. I whimpered as we rode out our pleasures together. Our bodies writhed slowly, completely in sync, and something snapped inside my chest. A liquid sensation flowed out of me as buzzing swarmed within me, and my ecstasy intensified as if I was experiencing twice as much.

When the pleasure subsided, Kieran lay beside me and pulled me into his arms. I nestled into his chest, smelling the crisp, clean first-snow scent I treasured. The sizzle of our bond simmered everywhere we touched, even as the coolness flowing from the tattoo eased the heat inside me.

Kieran’s voice popped into my head. I love you.

I stilled. Had he just …

I pressed up and stared at his face. He must have said it out loud—that was the only explanation.

“What’s wrong?” He tensed, looking into my eyes.

“I thought I heard you—in my mind.” I shook my head, trying to knock the weirdness out. In a fit of fancy, I thought at him, You must have pleasured me into oblivion. Not that I’ll ever tell you that.

“I pleasured you that much, did I?” He waggled his brows. “I’m very proud of that.” He booped my nose.

A lump formed in my throat. “What are you talking about?” I hadn’t spoken aloud. I was certain.

“Pleasuring you into oblivion.”

I sat up, not bothered that I was still naked. “I thought that in my mind, Kieran. How did you hear me? Did you … did you say that you love me earlier?” My heart pounded. If he hadn’t actually thought that, things would get super awkward really fast.

“Uh …” His face turned a slight pink. “Yes, but in my thoughts.”

Something uneasy swirled through me, adding to my discomfort. Then I remembered the feeling of something snapping in my chest and the strange intensity as the pleasure surrounded me. “Can fated mates talk telepathically and … feel one another?”

He bit his bottom lip. “Fated mates are rare. It’s more usual for shifters … I don’t know how it works for us, but now that you say that, I remember hearing rumors that fated mates have a connection that no one else can understand. They know what the other person is thinking and feeling.”

There was only one way to test this. So, I said the one thing that made sense. I love you, too.

A huge smile spread across his face. “I had no doubt you did.” He pulled me on top of him, and I straddled him.

He hardened underneath me.

“I want you to show me how much you love me,” he said as he pressed against my core.