Page 217 of Fated to be Enemies

Dropping her arms, she examined me and said, “My brother said you were different, but I didn’t expect you to be like this.”

I chuckled. “Like what? Promising to keep my mouth shut and not use that information as leverage over you?” Even if Kieran died, the knowledge that he hadn’t thought his sister strong enough for the tournament would damage their family’s reputation. Unfortunately, with my returning memories, I understood how things worked here. I didn’t agree with that any more than I had when I’d arrived, and I’d sensed that Alina hadn’t liked the way things were, but back then, I hadn’t realized that things could be different. My time on Earth had shown me that sometimes, those who appeared weak were actually the strongest people out there.

“That’s exactly what I mean.” She pressed her lips together. “If Kieran doesn’t win this tournament, I hope it’s you.” She winced. “That sounded bad. I don’t want you to die. It’s just that I don’t want to lose my brother.”

“That’s fine. You didn’t upset me. If someone I loved were in this tournament, I’d feel the same way.” I grimaced, but I pushed the thought away of what was to come. I didn’t want her to regret hoping that her brother survived. Part of me hoped he did too, even if it came at my expense, a paradox that didn’t sit well with me. I refused to let myself die for a guy, even Kieran.

The sound of footsteps on stone caught my attention, and I tore my gaze from Princess Brianne to see Maeve moving toward us. She was very protective of me, and she hadn’t been thrilled about me walking off with the Winter Princess.

“Is everything all right here?” Maeve’s body was coiled tight as if Brianne was the biggest threat she’d ever encountered. At least she wasn’t underestimating the princess like everyone else was.

Brianne’s demeanor changed. She averted her gaze to the stone floor.

A sense of protectiveness surged within me, but I gritted my teeth and held it back, keeping my aggravation from seeping out. Maeve was only trying to protect me. “Yeah, we were talking. She was telling me how she heard about the trial earlier today and she was happy Kieran made it through.”

“I’m sure she is,” Maeve said and kept a hand near her sword as if someone might strike me dead here.

Maybe someone would, but the more likely culprit out of everyone was Curry, a fellow Summer Fae.

The doors to the dining hall opened, and King Kieran and Prince Nolan marched out. The two of them scanned the area until they found Brianne. When Kieran’s gaze landed on me, his face hardened.

A deep ache pulsed in my heart. I didn’t understand why he’d be upset that she’d been talking to me. He hurried over to us and stepped between Brianne and me. He touched his sister on her arm and glanced at Nolan while he said, “You two should head home.”

Refusing to stand there and let him ignore my presence, I touched his sister’s shoulder. “It was nice talking with you.” Then I strolled toward Orla and Dallas, who’d just exited the dining hall. They met me halfway, in front of the stairs. I’d expected some tension in their expressions, but their faces were smooth with no trace of concern.

“Is everything okay?” I asked, taking Orla’s hands in mine. I hadn’t meant to make the gesture, but it felt as natural as breathing.

“Everything is fine. It was a discussion about what would happen if King Kieran died tomorrow.” Orla squeezed my hand. “Quinley wanted a formal note of what King Kieran wants done if the throne becomes vacant. It was no surprise when he said that Prince Nolan should be crowned king as the rightful heir since Kieran was still childless. It will make the transition easier, especially if random people rise up and proclaim that Kieran is their father.”

I blew out a breath. “How is that possible? Fae can’t lie.”

“That doesn’t mean they can’t spread a lot of innuendo and start turmoil.” Orla pressed her lips together. “I know you weren’t here when Mom passed, and she was already queen when we were born, but when I took over the throne forty complete season cycles ago, the situation got ugly because I was considered the spare, and everyone had hoped you would be the ruler of Summer.”

I flinched, hating that I hadn’t been able to help her. “I wish?—”

“Don’t you dare.” Orla pointed at me, cutting me off. “You sacrificed yourself not only to save our kingdom but Terrea as a whole. You and the seven royals from the other continents. Your sacrifice balanced the power that was drained from the land, and if you hadn’t done it, none of us would be here today.”

“That was one reason Orla and I were wed. Everyone knew you and I were betrothed, so they always expected me to be king.” Dallas bumped shoulders with Orla. “By marrying and with me standing beside her as I was supposed to do with you, we helped solidify Orla’s reign.”

Orla’s bottom lip quivered. “It was the best choice. If we had left the throne open in case of your return, there were some who would’ve taken advantage.” She glanced at Curry. “I’d been dreading you coming home for so long, and when you did and you didn’t seem like yourself, it set me off. And Alina—er, Ivy, if this is the last time I see you … I need you to know?—”

“You can call me Alina.” I could do that for her, give her a chance to see me like the sister she obviously thought highly of and mourned. “And you don’t need to say anything. The two of you kept the Summer Court stable and safe and healed the damage of the war.” Flashes of how the ground had cracked and crumbled, our people dying at the hands of monsters, ran through my mind. “Not only did you have to deal with taking over the throne while rebuilding our kingdom from ruins, but you did an amazing job. That alone proves you’re the rightful queen, and I would never dream of fighting you for that honor.”

Her entire body sagged while Dallas chuckled and said, “I told you that you didn’t need to worry. Granted, I thought I’d have to eat my words, but there she is.”

I rolled my eyes as Dallas spread his arms. He used to always demand a hug before he left me.

When I jumped into them, I surprised myself. And the moment his sweet grass smell overwhelmed me, memories of our times together came pouring back, including why and how we’d become lovers. After Kieran had rejected me, I needed support to hold myself together. Dallas had been that for me. Even though the first time I’d asked him to make me forget my heartbreak, he’d been hesitant. Then, something had shifted between us, and I realized he’d developed feelings for me. At the time, I hadn’t cared, and I hated that I’d been so selfish. But the person I’d been in my previous life hadn’t been as confident as so many believed because she’d bent herself in any way needed to keep the people she cared about happy with her. To be the person Mother had expected her to be despite her heart wanting to help her people in ways Mother disapproved of, despite wanting to be with Kieran.

Dallas buried his face in my hair and murmured, “Frozen summer, Alina. You don’t know how much the two of us missed you.”

The nape of my neck began to tingle, and that spot on my throat cooled. Kieran was watching.

I hated how much I loved that I had his attention. Something ruthless blossomed in me; I wanted Dallas’s touch to drive him insane. My gaze landed on Orla, and I froze. Pain lined her face.

She’d always had a crush on Dallas, even as a child. I hadn’t remembered that until now. No wonder she didn’t want Dallas to even consider sleeping with me again—not that I would. He was committed to someone else, my sister, and that was a line I’d never cross. I didn’t give a damn if it was the fae way.

“Isn’t it time for everyone to depart?” Kieran asked icily from his spot several feet away. “We should all get some sleep. We’ve had a long day.”