Page 181 of Fated to be Enemies

“There it is. The little girl jokes.” She smacked the back of her hand against her palm. “You can go freeze yourself.” She rolled her eyes, not amused. “You know I’m almost three hundred.”

No, I most certainly did not. “Sorry, I’m still getting my memories back.” I probably shouldn’t have said that, but it wasn’t a lie. I’d had one flashback, so that had to count for something.

“Oh, they aren’t back.” Her mouth opened, and she closed it. “I assumed you were poking fun like you used to do about my size. You used to say I had a big mouth to make up for my small size.”

I flinched. That was so mean and sounded like something Orla or Curry would say. “I’m …” I trailed off, catching myself before I finished that line. “Not quite the same person as before, and I think you’re lovely.” Especially for helping me when I’d been nasty to her in the past; she didn’t have to do that. All the other fae here were tall, even by human standards, and she was barely five foot four. I understood her being sensitive about that—this me would never joke about it.

“Ah, good.” She blew out a breath and added casually, “That’s a very nice thing to hear before I die.”

My lungs seized, and my smile vanished. “Don’t say that. You could win.”

“Don’t. We both know it won’t last.” She ate another chocolate. “But I couldn’t let them draft my little sister. She’s only fifty and deserves a long life.”

Another shiver ran down my spine, and my neck pulsed with cold. I didn’t have to glance over my shoulder to know Kieran was watching me. Every few minutes, the sensation rolled through me.

I glanced around, only to meet his gaze as he danced with some gorgeous fae woman.

I inhaled. I knew what it felt like to have his hands on me, the way his lips had seared me with only a touch. I wanted to march over there, grab the woman by the hair, and yank her away from him. He was mine.

But that wasn’t true. He wasn’t, and the fact that I felt that way told me I needed to stay the hell away from him. He was messing with my mind.

“That’s what my family gets,” Moire said dejectedly. “So that’s why I’m here.”

Holy shit. Had she’d told me how she got here? I’d missed it all. I was an official twatwaffle. “I could talk to Orla.” I had no idea about what, and I doubted it would accomplish anything, but I could try.

“Didn’t you hear what I said?” Moire blew out a breath. “My father told her she shouldn’t have been crowned queen. This is our family’s punishment for our disloyalty.”

Yeah, there was no way I’d get her out of it. “Well, I wish there was something I could do.”

“Just being here and hanging out with me like this is perfect.” She smiled, sincerity flowing off her.

“Excuse me,” Orla interjected, her words colder. “I need to speak to my sister. The ball is coming to an end, and we have to depart soon.”

Moire curtseyed. “Of course, Your Majesty.”

Taking my arm, Orla led me through the ball to the entrance, her hands firm on my arm but not tight like when she was upset with me. Maeve followed at our heels.

Another shiver ran down my neck and spine, no doubt from Kieran watching me leave. Either that or all night, it had been wishful thinking. It wasn’t as if I could literally feel his gaze on me. That was ridiculous.

We walked in sync and strolled outside, leaving the loud music behind. She led me past a group of fae and into a more deserted area of the park.

When we were somewhat isolated, Maeve nodded at us.

Orla asked, “What happened back there?”

A lump formed in my throat. “King Kieran asked me to dance, and then he led me into the corner of the room. I didn’t realize we were alone. Then Dallas interrupted us.” I left out a lot of details as to why I hadn’t realized and the fact that Kieran had kind of kissed me. I was certain that would only fuel more drama.

“I know that part.” Orla rolled her eyes. “That’s why I made Dallas leave. I didn’t want another scene.” Her jaw twitched, and her eyes hardened before they softened once more. “I meant, why did you cut off King Kieran instead of allowing him to soil my reputation further? Aren’t you angry that I took the throne? Isn’t that why you’ve been trying to embarrass me and come between Dallas and me?”

Clearly, that was something she thought my old self would do. “I’m not interested in Dallas at all. And you were right about needing to remain queen. I’m not upset about it. I don’t know what I’m doing, and, Orla, I don’t have even a quarter of my memories back. The only thing I resent is being pushed into this tournament.”

“My hands were tied.” Orla frowned, resembling an actual person and not someone who hated me. “But you sounded like my sister back there.”

The doors opened, and all the fae began to leave. The sounds of the music were absent.

Maeve moved closer to us and murmured, “It’s no longer safe to talk. We should go.”

“You’re right.” Orla ran a hand down her stomach and patted my arm. “I’ll see you soon. Let me say goodbye to Kaley and Eamon. I’ll be right back.” She walked over to the doors where the two High Court members stood, watching the guests leave.