Page 170 of Fated to be Enemies

My back muscles trembled, already feeling the strain of flying. Not only was this my first time, but I was carrying someone else.

Of course, Rowan had gone.

I’d have to figure this out my-damn-self.

I tried to fly forward, but nothing happened. My wings flapped, keeping me in place. A scream built in my chest.

“Nolan?” Ginevra murmured. “Are you here? Did you come to save me?”

I swallowed my groan of annoyance. This was all over a prince. Why was I not surprised? “Hold on to me. You’re hurt.”

“What?” Ginevra moaned, but she threw her arms around my neck, which took the weight off my already tired arms.

I leaned forward, and my wings must have taken the hint.

We zigged and zagged, my wings not moving smoothly, but I made my way toward the finish line more quickly than when I’d been climbing. I kept my eyes focused on the end target, noting there were nine people at the finish line.

With each flap, my back ached more until agony was ripping through me. I wasn’t sure how much more I could handle, but we were only fifty feet away.

I’d made it so damn far, and I’d make it the rest of the way.

Ginevra groaned and flinched.

“Hold on. We’re almost there,” I assured her, but I wasn’t sure my wings would make it.

In fact, they stopped moving as rapidly, my back spasming hard. I gritted my teeth as we began to descend.

King Kieran ran to the middle of the finish platform. Though I was flying several feet above his head, I could see his expression was strained, making his cheeks look sharper than normal. He stood right where I should be landing, his attention locked on me. His hands twitched at his sides as if he wanted to help me.

My body dropped until I was level with his face and then his chest.

Then I was at eye level with his crotch before I dropped to his feet.

The edge of the platform was maybe five feet away, but it might as well have been a mile. My back convulsed, and I dropped even lower until I couldn’t see the top of the platform.

As if anticipating my death, the crowd’s boos changed to cheers. I couldn’t give them the very thing they coveted without a fight, so I risked it all and flung one arm out.

My fingertips caught the edge of the platform, but my arms were going to give out.

A sinister laugh echoed from above. One that promised pain, blood, and death.

Fuck, I had to do something.


I dug deep, pushing through my pain. I’d pay for this tomorrow, but at least I’d live one more night. I screamed, using the arm I had wrapped around Ginevra to thrust her body with all my might over the edge and onto the platform.

Rowan was there and dragged her friend away, and then Curry took her place. He smiled evilly as he stepped on my fingers and crushed them under his boot.

Pain exploded in my already exhausted hand, and I knew I couldn’t hold on much longer.

Chapter Fourteen

Curry pressed the tip of his boot harder on my fingers. I whimpered, unable to hold back the noise, and grabbed for the edge of the platform with my other hand.

“She’s crossed the line,” Kieran said frigidly.

Once again, he was trying to help me. I didn’t see how doing so benefited him, but Maeve was certain he had ulterior motives.