Page 167 of Fated to be Enemies

What sort of hell did I now live in where violent death was celebrated?

Another shriek forced me to look skyward in time to see a Winter fae man impale himself on an icy stalactite above me. I could make him out only because he’d flown out of the thicker mist. His blood splashed me on the arm and dripped onto the ledge.

Holy shit.

I had to get the fuck out of here.

They’d all gone insane.

The first thing I had to do was climb this stalagmite and reach the thinner top section so I could easily hold one arm around it and grab the next one. Thankfully, Stan had trained me on climbing ropes, or I’d be screwed right about now.

I forced the screams from my mind, noting none of them sounded like King Kieran. I had to believe he was all right—a foolish sentiment since one of us had to die. It’d be easier if one of us died here.

Gritting my teeth, I nudged him to the back of my mind. Inch by inch, I climbed the stone. Unlike the rope, the stone wasn’t rough, so gaining traction was hard, but I found ruts and divots in the side and used them to pull myself up.

Screams grew louder, and another body dropped. I had to get near the top and move before my strength vanished.

That would definitely result in my demise.

Time passed slowly, and the screams faded. But eventually, I made it near the top, where I could hold on and grab the stone beside me, pulling myself deeper into the arena.

My arms were screaming, a bad sign, but I had to keep going.

After about five stalagmites, I found my rhythm and increased the pace. It wasn’t fast, but progress was progress … that was what Stan liked to say.

I paused, noting I still had a fucking long way to go. I needed to take this in short goals so I could at least pretend it wasn’t quite as daunting.

I could do that.

Not that I had an actual choice.

I locked onto the next stalagmite, and the air around it had a faint gray mist.

Whatever had been released at the top of the arena was floating down and about to obstruct my view.

Pushing forward, I’d just gripped a new rock when the air appeared to sparkle and shine, and the scene changed around me.

“Ivy!” Stan’s strangled cry came from above. “Help!”

My lungs seized, and I tilted my head upward to see the man who was the closest thing to a father figure I’d ever known, gripping a stalactite high above.

Thicker gray mist swirled around him, and his teeth chattered as his hands slipped down an inch. “Ivy, I can’t hang on much longer. I need you to save me.”

“How?” The word raked against my throat. “I don’t have wings. I can’t reach you!” I glanced around. There had to be a way to help him. He’d saved my life with his guidance and through the safety of the gym. I had to repay the favor.

His bottom lip quivered. “Please, try. For me. I need you.”

That wasn’t something Stan would say. Something wasn’t right.

I stared at him, taking in his familiar bald head and the gray stubble on his face. He looked like Stan, but the situation didn’t sit right.

“Ivy!” he exclaimed. “I can’t hold on much longer.” His body lurched downward, and I coiled, ready to catch him.

Maeve’s words from earlier repeated in my head. There will be something more than making it across. I didn’t know why, but that warning seemed relevant.

I cleared my throat, my legs and one hand clutching stone while the other hung loose, ready to catch him. “How did you get here?”

“I was kidnapped.” One hand slipped off the ice, and he grabbed frantically to regain his stability. “I woke up here this morning. They flew me here and put me on this icicle. Someone named Kieran?”