This was it. This was how I’d die. I wouldn’t even make it to the Comortas.
A booming, ice-cold voice demanded, “Stop this!”
Something inside me tugged as if urging me to run to him.
The Winter King.
I hated that I recognized the sound of his voice and the way my body reacted to his deep baritone.
The Winter fae stilled, but the Summer Fae didn’t freeze. After all, he wasn’t their king.
This was completely ridiculous.
“My people, stop this madness as well,” Orla commanded, but her voice lacked the ferocity of King Kieran’s.
Nonetheless, it had a similar effect as the Summer Fae calmed as well.
I didn’t understand how there could be such hatred between the two groups, but hell, I was only human. If I asked, they’d probably provide a dissertation.
“Sire, she should be dead.” A woman with jet-black hair and the palest skin I’d ever seen wrinkled her nose and glared at me. “And she shouldn’t be the reason our kingdom survived those awful golems and kept our lands from dying. It should’ve been you or Prince Nolan!”
I winced, wondering if I’d misunderstood. Were these people upset that a Summer Fae had sacrificed herself to save the realm and been reincarnated? They wanted their king or next in line to have sacrificed himself instead?
Orla flipped her fiery-red hair over her shoulder, the ends hitting her golden dress and reminding me of a candle. “Neither King Kieran nor Prince Nolan was strong enough to restore the balance. Not like the Summer Fae princess.”
Nope. I hadn’t misunderstood. They were upset because Alina was viewed as stronger. Yeah, well, they needed to take a hard look at me now. I didn’t have magic, I couldn’t fly, and I couldn’t move as fast as any of them. I fit in on Earth, not here. This second life had been a horrible mistake on someone’s part.
“Don’t forget you weren’t chosen.” The pale woman bobbed her head from side to side, the hem of her black dress brushing the stone. “It was your sister. When our king slays her, it’ll prove that Mother Terrea should’ve chosen him. He’ll take down the chosen one.”
I laughed. In the past few excruciatingly long minutes, I’d been treated like a celebrity, hated like a politician, and called the chosen one. If I hadn’t been stuck here for a week already, I would’ve been certain this was a dream. Or a movie.
The Winter fae turned their frigid attention to me, their nearly translucent irises devoid of feeling.
Now some of the Summer Fae’s curses made sense to me.
“You can’t kill my sister.” Orla crossed her arms, staring King Kieran down. “She’s a competitor and protected now that she’s arrived at the tower.” She gestured for me to walk the final twenty feet to the stairs and stand beside her.
“She hasn’t made it there yet,” a Winter fae shouted.
Quinley marched out of the open doors and stopped beside King Kieran.
Kaley followed, taking the spot next to Orla, and Eamon stepped up to Kaley’s other side. Two more Winter fae joined Quinley, flanking her, and Caden appeared on the Winter end.
Standing rigid, Quinley seemed like a goddess in the silver gown that complemented her flawless features. “Since Alina’s return and Muir’s magic became part of nature again, times have been trying for us. However, it’s fae law not to hurt a royal even if they aren’t your court’s ruling family. The only exception is if they pose an active threat to you, your family, or our land.”
Maeve placed a hand on the center of my back, guiding me forward toward the High Fae Court, Orla, and King Kieran. As soon as I began walking, I had to stop myself from running away from the crowd. I wasn’t sure if the tournament would be as hard as getting here had been. Fewer people, even if they were trying to kill me, would be preferable to this.
“She is threatening me.” The woman sneered, her inky, crystal-like eyes watching me. “Her mere presence is the problem.” She smacked the back of her hand against her other palm.
Uh … did she just threaten to spank me? I hoped that spanking would be considered hurting, but I didn’t know with these people. They seemed to like pain.
Someone beside the woman gasped, and I realized I did not understand the meaning. Not wanting to be the only one without a secret code, I raised my middle finger high. Take that, bitch.
Everyone who saw the gesture stared up at the sky.
“What is she pointing to?” someone asked loudly. “I don’t see a heated thing.”
King Kieran cocked his head, his blue eyes searing my soul. I couldn’t read the emotion behind them, but his body language indicated I intrigued him, which warmed my body very inappropriately.