Page 139 of Fated to be Enemies

Though I didn’t know her, I’d much rather train with her than Dallas, with all his inappropriate touches and flirting. “Dallas has been assigned to me.” I rolled my eyes.

She laughed unexpectedly. “At least in this life, your taste has improved.” She tipped her head, and the lantern’s glow highlighted the freckles across her cheeks and nose. This woman smelled of fresh rain, and I realized I sort of wanted to stay around her to absorb some of that essence.

“I swear there was a mistake.” I rubbed my arms to keep from shivering. “I’m not Alina. I’m Ivy. I just want to go home.”

Some of that sympathy I’d seen vanished, and her expression tightened. “You can either whine and pity yourself or choose to do something productive.” She lifted her chin, staring me right in the eyes as she continued, “Whether you believe it or not, you are the reincarnated princess. There’s no denying your essence, so I suggest you prepare as much as you can for the Comortas. Unless you want to die. Again.”

My bottom lip quivered, and I bit it. The more weakness I showed, the more of a target I’d be. Stan had coached me for seven years, emphasizing that bullies targeted those who seemed weak and defenseless. Unfortunately, that was already how people here saw me, and I was beginning to realize that my training hadn’t prepared me for beings who could move so much faster than me.

Stan had also reinforced that I should surround myself with and learn from those stronger than me. I wanted to at least make the assholes struggle a bit before they kicked my ass. I’d die with some level of badassery. Maybe she was my chance.

I straightened. “Do you think they’ll allow you to train me?”

A smirk flitted across her face. “Leave it to me.” She winked, and unlike Dallas, it wasn’t creepy. “But Ivy, you need to be careful and not offer information about yourself so freely. Mystery gives you power, and your life in the human world will have many fae wanting to know everything about that world. Use their curiosity to your advantage. That curiosity is the one thing you have over all of us.”

I swallowed. In just a few minutes, this random guard had given me more advice than anyone else here, including my supposed sister. “Why are you helping me?” There had to be a catch.

The woman exhaled and shook her head. “And the second lesson of the night is never admit when someone is helping you. It means you owe them. One day, that person will come to collect.”

“Noted,” I gritted out. There were already so many different customs here. With my human upbringing, I was bound to mess up.

She blew out a breath and held out her hand. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You were tossed into a new world you weren’t even aware existed. In time, things should begin to feel right.”

I stared at her offered hand, unsure if this was another test. If I touched her, would I owe her something? “Clearly, I have a lot to learn, and quickly.”

“If you’re even half the person Alina was, you’ll be fine.” She stretched out her hand again. “Isn’t this how humans introduce themselves to one another?”

There was that curiosity she’d mentioned, golden lines lightening her dark irises.

I shrugged. “Maybe. Is that something you’d like to know?”

Her mauve lips stretched into a full smile. “You’re a fast learner.”

Taking her hand, I shook it. I had to trust my instincts and listen to any advice she could spare. “Part of the interaction is stating our names. Mine is Ivy.”

“Maeve,” she replied without missing a beat, her grip nearly crushing the bones in my fingers.

“You aren’t supposed to break my hand.” I squeezed back, not wanting to seem intimidated.

Her mouth dropped. “Oh, Your Highness, I didn’t mean to.” Her grip went slack before releasing me completely.

“No problem.” I lowered my hand and rubbed it against my dress.

She continued to stare at me, making me squirm inside. Even if I did feel more comfortable around her than the others, I didn’t want to spend a lot of time with her, but I didn’t want to go back to the room, either, and this garden brought me a sense of peace. Tilting my head upward, I took in the sky … and my mouth dropped open.

I blinked, thinking it was an illusion, but each time I opened my eyes, the view was the same. There were two moons in the sky.

Just like on Earth, there was one silver moon that was completely full, but a second equally full, shimmery silver-pink moon peeked from behind the Earth-like one, almost like a blushing shadow.

As the light shone down on my face, my skin tingled. The warmth spreading through my body seemed like a high.

Faint turquoise flashes of light flew around me, and the buzzing I’d felt before Maeve had interrupted me thrummed through me, energizing something within me. There was no doubt this place contained magic.

“Princ—” Maeve stopped and cleared her throat. “Ivy, it’s late, and if someone other than me finds you out here, they will notify Queen Orla. It’s best she remains unaware of your foray. She doesn’t need another reason to be unhappy with your return.”

I hated that she was right. I suspected Orla had an entire list of how my presence here had complicated her life. Her primary concern seemed to be the risk of her people wanting me to take her spot on the throne. As if I’d ever want that to happen. I had a hard enough time taking care of myself, let alone who knows how many thousands—millions?—of people.

“Fine.” I lowered my head, watching as the magical pink lights swirled around me, noting they didn’t do the same to Maeve. So weird.