Page 129 of Fated to be Enemies

What was it with them and the Winter fae?

Taking a step back, I twisted my ankle and winced at the jolt of pain. I gritted my teeth and adjusted myself, pretending I hadn’t almost toppled over.

“And just like that, she’s gone.” He chuckled and closed the distance between us again. Mirth danced in his irises as he watched me squirm.

The bastard liked making me uncomfortable. Every cell in my body urged me to run from him, but I straightened and stood as tall as possible. In my heels, I had to be close to six feet tall. “Back off. I don’t want to talk to you or be anywhere near you. You drugged and kidnapped me!”

“When did you get so dramatic?” He leaned forward, his face inches from mine. “I swear, if you didn’t look almost identical and have the same voice, I would never believe you’re the same girl.”

I wanted to pull my hair out. I had to hold my own while playing along until they let their guard down. “Listen, Drug Boy.” I poked him in the chest, already ruining my plan of compliance. My mouth had a mind of its own. “You got the wrong girl. In fact, why don’t you take me back and fix your mistake? I’m sure Alina would be more than happy to be here instead of me.”

Shame constricted my chest. Here I was, wishing some other girl had been taken. What type of person did that make me? “Better yet, take me back and leave all of us alone. If Alina wanted to be here, she would’ve come willingly.” I stomped my foot since I was certain punching him in the face would be frowned upon.

He exhaled, his sandalwood-scented breath hitting my face. “Surely, your memories will return soon. Maybe when your magic settles in.”

He must have selective hearing. I’d heard that most men were burdened with this particular flaw, though Stan was an exception. He was way too perceptive. “I hate to tell you this, but the only magic I possess is my ability to demolish a large sausage and pepperoni pizza in one sitting.” My stomach rumbled at the thought of food. Damn, there was no telling how long it’d been since I last ate.

“I have no idea what you’re referring to.” When I opened my mouth to answer, he placed his finger on my lips and interjected, “And after seeing your choice of clothing last night, I’m confident I’d rather not know what you’re talking about. Any sort of attraction I still feel for you could vanish.”

Ew. Between the touch of his finger and that comment, I wanted to vomit.

I did the only logical thing and bit his finger, wanting to draw blood so he’d never touch me again.

Instead of yanking the digit away, his smirk bloomed into a full smile.

I was going to wipe that off his face really quickly, so I bit down harder. Blood entered my mouth, but it didn’t taste like copper. My stomach roiled. The taste wasn’t great, but there was something sweet in it that I could only describe as liquid sunshine. That last part was enough to make my jaws freeze.

“There she is,” he cooed, his pupils dilating. “Bite harder.”

I had no clue what that meant, and I didn’t want to find out. My face heated, and I released his finger to find teeth marks deep in his skin. Instead of crimson, blue blood trickled from his finger, a faint sparkling brown mist wafting from it.

All I could do was stare. I’d never seen anything like that before.

“Though Orla and I are wed, our agreement doesn’t prohibit us from sleeping with others. We’ll just have to be careful that no heirs result from our sex.” He winked and lowered his hands. He then extended his arm as if expecting me to slide my own through it.

The idea of sleeping with him made me queasy. Worse, he seemed to legitimately think it would occur. “I don’t think heirs will be a problem since nothing will ever happen between us.” I kept my arms close to my sides, not wanting to chance touching him again.

“My marriage to your sister is merely political.” He puffed out his chest. “When I was betrothed to you, the expectation was that I’d become king. It was my duty to help strengthen your sister’s claim since I never fathomed you’d be coming back to us.”

Gag me. This Alina had been engaged to him? Poor girl. “So nice that you broke your promise to me to marry the person who came into power.”

“Don’t be such an icy draft. You know the only way a fae can get out of an agreement is by death. When you died, it nullified all agreements and bargains we had with each other.”

Unable to hold it in, I laughed.

His expression twisted into disgust. “What’s so funny?”

“That you actually believe I came back to life.” If they were expecting me to walk on water, they’d soon learn otherwise and fast.

Orla’s voice came from behind me. “Dallas, what are you two doing?” I didn’t need to know her to hear the suspicion in her voice.

That right there showed me she would not be okay with me starting a sexual relationship with her husband. For him to even consider it a possibility was insulting, not only to me but to his wife. I had no clue how long they’d been married, although it couldn’t be long since they appeared to be in their twenties, but I had no doubt he’d already cheated on her.

“Enid was taking me to wherever I needed to go.” I turned around, expecting to find the woman there, but she was gone. How was that possible? She hadn’t made a noise.

I took a step back, startled that she wasn’t there, and ran into Dallas’s chest. He placed his hands on my waist, steadying me.

Orla hovered in the air just a few feet away. Wings fluttering soundlessly, she moved toward us. The sparkling magical flames seemed bigger than they had in my room. “Seems convenient, given that Enid isn’t here.”