Page 116 of Fated to be Enemies

A new mark had been added within the band, now integrating a crescent moon and a crown. My family. Kingston and Kresley, forever merging our family lines into the Laskarises.

“I’m yours forever, Elias,” I said softly. “Bound to each other by love, not just fate.”

“Elias, King of Blood and Beryl,” Marisa continued, staying serious, even though I could hear a tinge of happiness in her voice, “the Laskaris tattoo on your skin has been given Danni’s addition, showing your commitment to your queen and mate.”

Elias’s gaze was fixated on mine when he lifted his sleeve, showing the new ink incorporating my name into his.

“I choose you, Danni,” he said, his tone husky. “Every day, until the end of time, every part of me belongs to you.”

Emotion flooded me, and it wasn’t all my own. I struggled to keep the tears from falling, and I took a shaky breath.

That wasn’t so bad. It was a small crowd, and the words were minimal, said quietly to the man I loved.

Marisa clasped her hands together. “Dannika, would you please turn to face us?” I did as she requested, and I felt a knot tighten in my belly. Nova adjusted herself, almost as though she were sitting higher, raising her chin a little more. I met Adora’s gaze, and she was considering Nova, almost as if to say, “Look who’s preening now.” Marisa stepped to the side, continuing to address me, but moving herself from the spotlight. “Dannika, Queen of Blood and Beryl, we will serve you, follow you, and protect you. It is an honor to have you as our king’s mate, our leader, and our queen.”

Marisa dropped to one knee, bowing her head in respect. Each and every other member of the High Court followed suit. Bianca’s eyes glittered with unshed tears as she lowered her gaze, a smile on her face. My mother, Abbey, and Adora tilted their heads down as they descended. Elias stepped off the dais and knelt as well, the act surprising me. My lips parted, and I shook my head in a tight motion, momentarily letting my nerves get the best of me. He grinned, winked, then lowered his head.

Nova stood up, looking over the heads of each member of the Court, lording over everyone, like she had full expectation that this would occur. She was an alpha, after all.

So was I.

Shoulders back and chin raised, I took a deep breath, accepting the reverence. It wouldn’t be so formal every day. Tomorrow, I would go back to wearing sweaters, dark jeans, and hiking boots. My hair would be down. I’d have on no makeup. I would roam the halls and raid the pantry all over again. I would just do it as a queen.

When everyone stood up and looked at me, I dipped my head in return. This was my House. My people. My family.

Bianca jumped from her spot, the excitement too much for her to handle. “To Blood and Beryl,” she shouted, and the room erupted in applause.

My mom and Abbey rushed to me, pulling me into a group embrace. “I’m so proud of you, baby,” my mom whispered. When she pulled back, she looked into my eyes, the fierceness of her own alpha striking in her gaze. “This is who you were always meant to be. Your father would be so proud of you.”

Abbey smiled. “You carry the very best of your mom and dad, Danni. You were born to be a leader,” she said softly. “I’m honored to be a part of your life.”

“Abbey,” I said, trying to hold back the tears as my voice wavered. I pulled her into a hug. “I couldn’t have asked for a better bonus mom.”

“Let’s cry later. We’re going to mess up your makeup,” my mom said as she dabbed at my face with a tissue, wiping away the moisture.

I chuckled, sniffling and letting Abbey go. Elias came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He buried his face in the crook of my neck, partially in the cowl of the sweater. Heat bloomed in my chest as I realized he was smelling me . . . and thinking dirty thoughts.

I cleared my throat. “This wasn’t as bad as I thought,” I mused, trying to make conversation and get my head out of the gutter.

Adora snorted. “And you didn’t even throw up,” she said. “That’s gotta count for something.”

“What were you expecting?” Elias asked, resting his chin on my shoulder.

“I don’t know. A lot of talking, a bigger audience, more . . .”

“Embarrassment,” my sister said, finishing for me. I gave her a deadpan look.

“Something like that.” I huffed a tiny laugh. “It’s easy to say ‘I love you’ in public, but being crowned queen and having it called a mating ceremony . . . it’s a little nerve-racking. I didn’t know what to expect.”

Elias pulled me tighter to him, his body pressed against mine, and I felt him throb against my backside. Speaking softly against my ear, he said, “Well, that part of the ceremony isn’t finalized.”

Heat filled my cheeks, a blush creeping over my skin. My mom pressed her lips together and looked away as she tried not to laugh. Abbey put her hand over her mouth, flicking her gaze down. Not my sister, though. She groaned loudly, then muttered under her breath. “I’m going to go for a long walk so I don’t have to hear her finalize how much she loves him. Again.”

My mom raised her hand. “I think we’ll join you,” she said, looping her arm through Abbey’s.

My jaw dropped, and I met my sister’s gaze. “Wait, can everyone really hear us going at it?” I asked, lowering my voice. “I thought you were kidding when you said that.”

“Afraid not. Guess the wolf is out of the bag now,” she said with a devilish grin. “Now go get some, Your Majesty.” She blew me a kiss and winked, turning on a heel to walk out of the throne room with our moms.