Page 106 of Fated to be Enemies

She pressed her mouth closed, nodding quietly.

Marisa stepped forward, inclining her head respectfully. “I move to have Katie dismantled as a member of the High Court, if it pleases you.” Elias nodded, and she looked at her colleagues.

Uriah raised his hand. “I second.” When Katie shot him a look, he shrugged, speaking to her directly. “I have no patience for drama. I make no effort to hide this.” He waved his hand around, gesturing to the room. “This is drama, and it’s wasting my time.”

“Elias, please,” she started, looking back at him on the throne. “I?—”

“Stop,” he barked. “You aren’t banished from Blood and Beryl, but you will no longer hold a place in my Court. You’ve always aspired to be a queen, but you let your jealousy rule your actions. That was a mistake you can’t undo, and I won’t allow it to happen again. You’ve lost my trust, Katie.” Glancing at other members of the High Court and the high-ranking officials present, he seemed to gauge their demeanor and read their expressions. Disappointment. Disgust. Shame. “And that of everyone in this room.”

She turned slowly, looking at everyone, hoping someone would speak for her. Stand up for her. Say something in her defense. When she met Bianca’s hurt-filled gaze, she knew the truth. No one would support her in our presence.

“What am I supposed to do?” she asked quietly.

“Bianca will find you another job within the House,” Elias said, motioning to her to see that it happened.

“Perhaps one that teaches humility,” I muttered loudly, intending to ignite a fire in her. Looking at her directly, I shooed her away. “You may go now. We have private matters to discuss.”

Katie’s hands curled into fists, and the muscles in her jaw visibly tightened. She dipped her chin, turning on a heel and walking quickly to the door. Rage and venomous hatred radiated from her.

In the darkness, in a far corner of the room, Ysa slipped farther into the shadows. With all the commotion, no one thought to look in that direction, so no one saw her disappear.

It was a bold plan. By his own choice, Markus was the bait. Katie would pass on what had just happened with him, guiding Fire and Fluorite into No Man’s Land. She’d feel abandoned and angry, ready to give everything away as quickly as possible in order to get back at me. I hoped it would work.

I had a feeling it wouldn’t take much for Mathis to go after his son. His hatred knew no bounds. His desire for power was endless. His mind was clouded with single-minded goals. His rage would win.

It always did.



Headlights illuminated the trees, casting us in shadows.

Nova was in position, hidden in the trees far away from our location. I stood back, leaning against the base of a trunk, Dannika tucked against my side. Her breath against my throat and the way her hummingbird heart beat quickly calmed my senses. Vengeance roared in my blood. A darker, animalistic fury pushed me to leave our spot hidden in the darkness, and hunt Mathis like a dog. To let myself unleash the carefully confined predator that lurked beneath my apathetic façade.

Dannika knew it was there. Waiting.

In the mating frenzy, I’d let him out. She was the first person to see him for what he really was in twenty-four years. Since the Great Sacrifice.

The streets had run red with blood of innocents. Only one had needed to die, and instead, so many had paid for his sins. For my vengeance.

I wouldn’t do that again.

No, this time, Mathis wouldn’t escape me.

Doors shut. The approaching figure’s footsteps were silent. I sensed them drawing nearer, judging by the way Dannika’s head tilted, ear angling outward. She was a vampire-shifter hybrid, and we didn’t know the full extent of what she could do, but so far, it seemed she’d retained the best traits of both. Shifter hearing. Vampire speed. An uncanny ability to feel the emotions of others . . .

He was close.

Not a hundred yards from us, Markus paced, head in hands as if distraught. His job was to be the pretend mate, lost in anger at being kicked out of our House and forced away from Dannika. Bait, as he’d said in my office.

The tables had turned. Under normal circumstances I’d never have allowed someone else to even fake being Dannika’s mate. Let alone the pup, who once had been. The very idea made me want to rip him limb from limb. But removing Mathis from the equation and securing her safety was paramount.

Claudette’s death had been horrifying.

We’d lost a good man—a good leader—when Mathis had murdered Danni’s father in cold blood to steal his position.

She and her family had been robbed of the lives they should have had, along with so many others.