Page 453 of Fated to be Enemies

He moved closer, a slow, primitive movement from someone who knew his prey could not get away. “You are afraid, which proves you are intelligent. You are also angry, which ensures you have strength. For a human female, you are well-muscled and have a strong body. You also show signs of being fruitful.”

His eyes raked over my breasts, the transparent fabric giving him a good view. He inched closer, his giant wings opening in a gesture of dominance. His wingspan demanded awe. I sucked in a breath.

“You may fair better than the last.”

I gulped air, refusing to think about what happened to the last woman he used as a breeder. Or tried to.

“Who are you?” I managed to ask without stuttering.

He reached down a clawed hand. I forced myself not to move, not to grab the syringe now and launch myself at him. I couldn’t take the chance of missing. If I did, he’d snap my neck in two seconds, just like he did to Gor. I needed him closer. Bracing one hand on the bed, he leaned toward me, then trailed his knuckles over my cheek, along my jaw, and gripped my chin in strong fingers.

“I am your lord and master, your king and sire. I am your sun and moon, your every breath, your every waking moment. I am your summer and winter, your entire world, your everything.”

An invisible pulse beat and rippled in the air. I gasped.

While my brain scrambled to comprehend what just happened, I felt split in half. Panic vibrated through my bones, a primal instinct screamed for me to get away—fast. Another part of me wanted to bow down before him, to do anything he wanted, to worship him. An aura of power, pure and strong, hovered around him. His dragon gift of dominance threatened to tear me in two.

I felt like a butterfly pressed to a collector’s board. Fluttering my wings would only tear them, rendering me helpless, unable to fly. So instead of trying to flee, I lay there petrified.

“What did you just do to me?” I asked, voice shaking, recognizing the presence of Morgon magic.

“What is within my power and is my right.” He lifted his chin in a dominant gesture. “Now. Lay down and spread your legs.”

Shit! I was doing it, his dominance a pulse against my skin. Morgon magic bent my will to do his bidding, not my own.

Looming above me on his knees, he unfastened the belt holding his tunic, readying himself, my nightmare coming to life.

“You won’t breed from this mating,” he said in a gruff voice, dragon eyes brightening. He removed his tunic and tossed it aside. I stared at the ceiling, definitely not wanting to see that part of him.

“How do you know?” I asked, trying to entice him into conversation, stall him. I reached both hands above my head, angling my body into a submissive pose, letting one hand slide just under the edge of the pillow.

“We know when our women will breed. We can smell her when she is ready.”

I’d known about a Morgon’s heightened senses, but I didn’t know they could scent a woman’s hormonal changes. The fact that he lowered himself to me, knowing I couldn’t breed, sparked a new fear inside me.

“Then why bother with me now?” My body obeyed his dominance against my own will. And still, I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. “Let’s just wait if there’s no purpose.”

He laughed, crawling over me, above me on all fours, willing me to look at him. I did, captured in fire-and-gold. Dread gripping me as it had in my nightmare.

“There is purpose.” One of his hands rested beside my head on top of the pillow. The other lifted my woven braids of hair. “I want you. That is reason enough.” He sniffed my hair. “And we must break your body in so that it knows mine and will open to my seed.”

I couldn’t breathe. He grinned, the hairs on the back of my neck rising.

Saint Portia, help me!

“But the most important reason is I want to scrape the scent of your man from your body.” A new panic overwhelmed me. I didn’t want to lose Kol’s scent under my skin. I didn’t want to lose any part of him.

“No,” I muttered under my breath.

Flaming eyes caught mine. His shoulders stiffened. He’d heard me.

“No?” Fury laced this one, gruff word.

He gripped one of my thighs, his claws pricking into my skin. I cried out, tears pooling in my eyes, as my hand groped under the pillow.

“You are mine and will obey.” His mouth came over mine, a long tongue snaking inside, nearly choking me. I squirmed and whimpered, yanking my face to the side. Sharp teeth nicked my lip. He weighed me down with his chest. “Your former lover marked you hard,” he growled close to my ear, licking my neck with that long tongue, right where Kol left his bite. I cringed. “But I will mark you harder.”

My fingers fumbled, making contact with nothing. His chest rumbled with a sinister laugh, the hollow sound full of darkness.