Page 403 of Fated to be Enemies

Mikal’s face tightened. “Why would you possibly be investigating that? For that damn paper, I imagine,” he muttered the last few words. “You should leave it alone.”

His tone of censure and disapproval instantly made my blood rise. “Kol. Would you excuse us for a second?”

He dipped his chin, his stony expression never changing. I walked to the corner, knowing Mikal would follow, taking deep breaths before I lost my temper. “I understand that you’re concerned for me, but there’s really no need.”

“You always said that.” Mikal took hold of my forearm. “You don’t know what’s happening to these girls, what happened to Maxine.”

The deep concern in his eyes softened my anger. “I know everything that’s happened. Kol is leading the investigation for the Morgon Guard.”

He crossed his arms. “So I see you’re well-protected.”

“I know you don’t understand my need to write for that ‘damn paper,’ as you call it, but you shouldn’t concern yourself for me. Actually, you have no right to.”

I regretted the last part as soon as it spilled out of my mouth, but I couldn’t help it. Mikal was still clinging to the idea that we might one day mend our relationship and find our happily-ever-after. It would never happen. He would find some lucky girl to be the fortunate Mrs. Mikal Lennox, but it wouldn’t be me. I cared about him. I even thought I’d loved him once, but when his thoughts had veered toward marriage and making me a happy little housewife, I knew we were never meant to be. The fact that he called my career choice a “fun hobby” on our first date should’ve given me ample warning that we were doomed from the start, but sometimes, I was a slow learner.

His jaw slackened, his mouth fell ajar for a heartbeat before he moved into my personal space, whispering close. “How can you say that? After everything between us.” He tucked a stray hair behind my ear, his fingers lingering.

I inched back, hating the sickening knot in my stomach.

He pulled his hand away. “Still no chance, Moira? You won’t change your mind?”

No question as to what he referred. I shook my head.

The stoic Morgon in military stance a few yards away waited with unexpected patience as he drew more and more attention. A nasty crew from my early bar-hopping days gestured toward Kol. They were pompous, self-absorbed rich boys who still found it funny to trip people and laugh at lonely, awkward girls. And I didn’t like the way they were motioning toward Kol. Not that I feared for him. I feared Kol might kill one by accident, like flicking a fly too hard.

“This was a mistake. I’m sorry, Mikal. I didn’t mean to hurt you by coming here. I just thought you’d help.”

He caught my wrist as I turned away. “Wait.” He released me. “Of course, I’ll help. I’ll always help you if I can.”

We rejoined Kol, his eyes roaming between Mikal and me. Putting my business voice back on, I said in a quick breath, “Can you just tell us about Maxine the night she came here. Was she behaving odd in any way?”

Hands in pockets, a little stiffer than before, Mikal answered evenly. “No. She and Bennett had a few drinks, and she told him she wanted to go to the games. Nothing out of the ordinary. Not for Maxine anyway.”

“Why not for Maxine?”

“She was a little reckless, always looking for a wilder party or bigger thrill.”

“Sort of fearless?” I asked.

“Yeah. That was Maxine.”

Kol and I shared a swift glance.

“Thanks, Mikal.” I hugged him goodbye. “Let’s go,” I mumbled to Kol, moving ahead of him toward the stairs.

It was a crush when we walked in. Now it was unbearable. I wondered if Kol would struggle through the crammed club with his wings. I glanced over my shoulder. He’d fallen a few paces back, some giggling girls between us.

The crowd pushed me close to that group of guys I used to avoid like the plague. Assholes, every one of them.

“She’s with the bat,” one slurred in his drunkenness.

“Just like her sister. A Morgon whore.” They chuckled together at my expense. Nothing I hadn’t heard whispered behind my back a hundred times in the last five years since my sister married Lucius.

Ignoring them, I pushed on when a hand squeezed my ass. I spun to knock the guy off, only to find Kol with his hand around the ass-grabber’s throat, bending him backward over the bar.

“Don’t.” I shuddered at Kol’s voice, thick and gravelly, full of the dragon. The dude’s friends backed off several feet, wide-eyed and speechless. Cowards, every one of them. They disgusted me. Kol’s wings flared halfway, a hostile stance threatening violence. His jaw clenched, and I knew he was restraining himself.

With a lightning-swift move, he released the guy, who had actually pissed his pants. A wet stain was prominent on his crotch. If I wasn’t stunned stupid, I’d have some snarky comeback for the guy, but Kol pushed me toward the exit before I could even gather my thoughts. Glued to my back, he kept a hand on my waist, propelling me forward. Fear skittered across the faces of those who caught sight of the Morgon looming behind me, moving with purpose. Once on the street, he gripped my wrist and tugged me into an alley. Dropping his hold as soon as we were in shadow, he fumbled in his jacket for something.