Page 319 of Fated to be Enemies

A hiss of a whisper circled the air, trapped in an icy breeze as it danced along the wisps of moss stuck between branches. “What do you desire?” It repeated over and over until I pressed my hands against my ears to block it. My heart hammered as I continued forward, trembling.

Everything fell into dead silence. A forest absent sound was as eerie as a world without people. There was no scurrying of animals through leaves, no scratching against trunks, or even a hoot of an owl. Fog crept through the trees, freezing the tips of my fingers and frosting my lips until my teeth were chattering.

The disjointed voice returned, caught in the wind as it picked up. “We’re here. We can taste death.”

I pinched my nose when a waft of rotten eggs and decay hit me. Faltering forward, I did my best to block out the sound. Who did the voice belong to? Why was it dropping into winter in the middle of fall? Where was Raiden?

My scream was muffled against a palm when a hand flapped against my mouth, causing a shock of pain to ripple through me. My heart almost stopped as her voice fluttered into my ear. “It’s Thalia. Don’t make a sound. I am going to move my hand now.”

I nodded yes. I was on the verge of having a heart attack. I swear my nerves would never be the same after this—if I got out of it alive.

Thalia pulled me back into the shadows behind a tree. Her voice softened to where I could barely hear it. “Lucius is here.”

“I know.” I felt sick from the adrenaline. “Where’s Raiden?”

“Close. He’s with Aziel, tracking Lucius. We must attack our father before he finds us. The element of surprise is the only tool we have.” Her silver gaze found mine. “Where is Freya?”

“In the mountains,” I whispered. “There’s a barrier around the forest so none of you can leave. It’s made from your bloodline. This was all a trap. I’m so sorry.”

She pinched her eyes shut, her expression pained as she gripped onto the tree. After a few seconds, she let out a gasp.

My eyebrows knitted together. “What happened?”

“It’s the demons.” Her deathly pale skin was illuminated by the moonlight hitting her armor. “They have come with him. They are everywhere. Their presence brings death. Everything is dying.” She plucked a rotting leaf from a low-hanging branch. “Lucius was a fool to bring them to find us. They now have access to the world. Although I am certain Father believes he can control them, one or two always slip through.”

I gulped. “That’s why it’s so cold?”

“Yes.” She lowered her voice again. “You must leave this place. You do not want to be here for the fight.”

“But Raiden?—”

“Will be fine,” she said, interrupting. “Your being here will only see to distract Raiden from focusing on Lucius. He’ll be worried about you. You must run east. There are fewer demons there. I will run north, and they will chase me there.”

“I can’t just leave. Freya said he wants you all dead. He means to replace you.”

Her expression hardened, from what I could tell under the slight white light. “We will send him back to the underworld. There are three of us,” she said but didn’t look convinced. “I will tell my brother you were concerned about him. He will appreciate it.”

I shook her words off. “Is everyone okay back home? Freya didn’t hurt them, did she?” The tingles from the magic quills told me they were all okay, but I had to make sure. “Naomi is with Aziel.”

My brain faltered. “I’m sorry. Did you say Naomi is with Aziel? Like, the god Aziel?”

“She agreed to come with us to help find you.”

My eyes widened. “Next time, lead with that.” I ran my fingers down my face, dragging the skin under my eyes. “I need to find her.”

Thalia’s expression softened. “Her illusory magic will be useful in stopping Lucius.”

I would have laughed at the ridiculousness of it all if I thought it were a joke, but her face told me it wasn’t. “Naomi will die,” I stated.

“She understood the price when she insisted on coming with us.”

“She knows you’re gods then?”

“Yes, as do the rest of your coven, who also wanted to come to find you. Raiden, unfortunately, stopped them before they could aid us.”

I breathed relief. “At least he had some sense.”

“They could have helped us with Lucius.”