Page 286 of Fated to be Enemies

He grabbed me around my neck with his arm, and I couldn’t move. “I really hoped for other emotions than hate.” His whisper danced in my ear, sending tingling through my lobe.

I pushed my elbow back, hitting him between his legs. He let me go. I stumbled back and watched him as he glared at me red-faced.

“What the fuck, Elle.” He closed his eyes and inhaled slowly.

“Was that a threat?”

He stepped back, gulping, red faced, and bent over. After a minute, he slowly stood upright. “You’re lucky I have a high pain threshold.”

I scoffed. “High pain threshold? You’re telling me. That didn’t hurt long.” I glanced at his pants. “There must not be much there.”

An amused smile lingered on his full lips. “I can assure you that isn’t the case.”

“Sure.” I rolled my eyes.

He took a step closer. “I’d be happy to prove it if you want.”

“I’d rather be set on fire.”

“I’m sure you would. You think so low of me. I’m pure darkness, right? A murderer.”

I felt a little bad about saying that, without proof, but I wasn’t about to tell him that. “You did lie to me.”

“That’s not a good reason to accuse someone of murder.” His jaw clenched. “Anyway, I didn’t lie to you,” he said nonchalantly. “You heard what you wanted. I’d never make a promise I couldn’t keep.”

“Why do you need to do this now?” I asked angrily. “You’ve only just got here. Why can’t you let me have this? I need it more than you.”

He rested the end of the blade against his chin. “Excuses. You know you could reach your sister now if you really wanted. You’re afraid.”

I swallowed thickly. “You don’t know anything about me.”

He closed the distance between us. I white-knuckled the hilt of my dagger. “You and I aren’t all that different. We both have been made to feel powerless.”

My heart raced. “I’m not powerless.”

“You’re not, but you feel like you are. Don’t deny it.” The blue rings in his eyes were swallowed by darkness. Something moved in his eyes, swirling like storm clouds when I stared close enough. He blinked, then looked away. “You feel it now. I think you know you can’t beat me. You were brought here against your will and torn from your sister. Don’t feel bad. I know how it feels.” He looked back at me, pausing. “I know you’ve painted me as the villain here, but I’ve been forced away from the people I love too. I’m doing what I can to get them back.”

Goose bumps prickled along my arms. “Are you doing this so you can go back to Salvius too?”

“Not quite.” He didn’t elaborate. “If you’re going to hate me, that’s fine, but you should know I’m not hurting you on purpose.”

My breath hitched. Questions flashed through my mind, but only the result was important. “I’m going to win.”

He lowered his gaze. “No, you’re not.” The conviction in his tone boiled my blood.

“You’re so sure of yourself.”

“I don’t want you to get your hopes up.” He leaned back, shaking his head. I wanted to hit him.

“We’re done here.”

“We’ve only just got started.”

I balled my fist. “Why even help me with weapons training? Shouldn’t you be studying some more?”

“We both needed to let off some steam, especially after yesterday, and this was one of two ways we could let some off together.”

I closed my eyes. I hated, hated, hated him. “You know, I could just have Maddox make the ring a part of the test.” I smiled devilishly. “The blood ring that tortured you. You couldn’t manage that one, and I know the truth.”