Page 19 of Fated to be Enemies

“That sounds personal to me,” I said, watching their movement. Nova crouched down, ready to lunge.

“I’m inclined to agree.” A new voice entered the conversation, and a group of vampires came out of the shadows, the magic of the Blood and Beryl border wobbling as they crossed it. They split, making room for one to come through.


Broad-shouldered and tall, he exuded power in the way he walked. He held a small dagger, twirling it in his hand, practically floating on air as he strode forward.

The shifters looked at each other, uncertain and changing their fighting stances. The vampires present were soldiers, each of them prepared for a battle.

Markus angled his head, looking down at me in question. I shook my head.

“We have no fight with Blood and Beryl,” Andreas said, coming out of the shadows.

“On the contrary,” Elias said, walking toward me, “Dannika here is under our protection as a member of my House. Under the circumstances”—he gestured to the group that was sent to attack us—“it would seem you do have a fight with me if this continues.”

Andreas narrowed his eyes. “Under your protection?” he repeated.

“Isn’t that right, Dannika?” Elias stopped in front of me, pinning me with his dark eyes. “You joined us shortly after you were banished. That’s why you were headed to our land. We take care of our own.”

I met the intensity of his gaze with an equal glare. My sister’s words rang in my ears. “I don’t trust him. He’s deceptive.”

I had no idea what he was asking for. He wouldn’t give me something for nothing.

Not in this world.

There were no kind hearts left.

But I was out of options.

Silence reigned. Raindrops plopped on leaves and earth. The wind rustled through the trees. My heartbeat pounded in my ears.

The vampire king had offered me a way out. All I needed to do was say the words, and I was safe. If I didn’t, Markus and I would die in this very spot. Markus. I knew he wouldn’t make it if I left him now. His father would have him sacrificed just to save face. In my periphery, I saw him watching me as he waited for me to answer. A pang of guilt went through me. I hadn’t refused to kill him just to let him get shredded here. I might as well have been the one to put a knife through him if I let them kill him because I was too pissed to save him.

Curse this. I couldn’t believe what I was about to do. I just hoped it didn’t get me killed.

“Yes. Markus and I joined the House of Blood and Beryl.”



Clever girl.

Everything about her. She’d added her rejected mate into this arrangement, not knowing the consequences. But why? Why would she try to save him? Internally, I had so many questions. Externally, I barely twitched in response to her boldness. No matter. She would give me what I wanted, and Markus would be dealt with.

A low rumble reverberated through the shifters when Dannika’s words hung in the air.

I broke the stare I’d held her in, turning to the group of scorned assholes. I held a finger up, chastising them. “Now, now, boy. Consider that you’re outnumbered and if you really want to take this risk—attacking a member of my House on this night of all nights.”

Andreas trembled in anger; his claws unsheathed. “Mathis will hear of this. You should consider the risk you take, playing these sorts of games on this night of all nights.” He parroted back my words, every bit the bastard his Alpha Supreme was.

I shrugged, outwardly pretending to be unaffected, despite the tension rolling through me. “Can you even make this decision?” Taking a step forward, I sauntered to him slowly, sizing him up with a slow gaze. “What are you now? Third in command? This is above your paygrade, pup.” I was taller by several inches, but he was built like a bull. Stockier, packed with muscle and spite. “I’m first; king, if you will. And if I chose to, I could end this now. I could destroy all but one of you, leaving that sole survivor to return to your House to send the message.”

Concerned glances passed between the shifters and the witches. Vampires snickered behind me, and Dannika and Markus stood still. When Andreas opened his mouth to speak, I held up a hand.

“I know what you’re thinking. That wouldn’t be like me, now would it? To leave one of you alive.” I took a step farther, coming close to Andreas as I looked down my nose at him, purposely reminding him of his place. Lowering my voice, a menacing growl took over, carrying through the forest so they could all hear. “I would rather have my soldiers slaughter all of you, leaving your rotting corpses for the animals to feed on, with nothing left but gnawed bones for your mother to bury when your pathetic leader finds your remains. I know how to send a message, so I suggest you and your puppies turn around and run home, quivering with your tails between your legs so you can tell Mathis that you failed at this pitiful assassination attempt.”

Andreas narrowed his eyes, letting my words sink in, but he knew better than to challenge me. With a side glance, he looked to his pack members and jerked his head, signaling for them to turn around. He adjusted his stance, facing the former heir. “You can end your exile at any time. You know what you have to do.” Returning to me, he said in a low whisper, “Fire and Fluorite will be watching, Elias.”