Page 158 of Fated to be Enemies

I had to force my feet to remain still instead of fleeing back to my room.

Leaving them after their insults would only make me appear weaker than they already considered me. Even though the tournament hadn’t started, Maeve had been tense, meaning threats were all around. The way my skin crawled validated that, in all ways that counted, the Comortas had begun.

Knowing that the longer I stood there, the more gawking they’d do and the more insults they’d toss my way, I forced myself to go to the one vacant chair. With more distance between King Kieran and me, my lungs filled more easily. Being near him muddied my head and chased all reason away.

Before I could sit, the doors opened. Kaley entered and came to me. “Princess Alina, I need you to join me for a moment before you eat.”

My mouth went dry, and my throat tightened. This couldn’t be anything good, but at least it would get me away from all the stares so I could regain my composure.

Her brow arched, and her nose wrinkled as she scrutinized my appearance. I would have to own whatever was setting off all these reactions, or I’d never live it down.

Standing as straight as possible, I followed Kaley back into the entrance hall, where the other four High Court members were huddled. Quinley wore her classic scowl and had a round mirror in her hands.

Were they seriously going to force me to look in the mirror to make a point about my wardrobe or whatever the problem was?

Caden and Leanna glanced at one another, doing the weird communication thing they did, while Eamon beamed and said, “You’re more exquisite than I ever dared imagine.”

My face was now on fire.

An unfamiliar, deep, rumbly voice asked, “Is the girl finally here? For the love of Terrea, just put her in the mirror.”

Mirror? Of course. They didn’t have phones here.

Without hesitation, I hurried to Quinley and looked into the mirror. I gasped. Instead of my reflection, I saw a girl who vaguely looked like Ember and a handsome man with navy-blue hair and eyes and a strong jawline.

He looked me over and quirked his eyebrow faintly like he was attempting to hide his disgust. “Do you not provide clothing for your pets, or does she choose to wear her sleeping garments during the day?”

If possible, my face flamed hotter. I was wearing a nightgown? No wonder everyone was laughing and it was so damn comfortable.

Maybe-Ember glared at him. “Leave Ivy alone. She likes to be comfortable. Not all of us like to dress like an extra from The Lord of the Rings every time we leave our rooms.”

Yeah, that was Ember, all right, yet it was hard to believe. Weight lifted from my shoulders from seeing her healthy and acting like herself. Her hair glowed like fire, and she had golden tattoos that I couldn’t make out from here. Her black, flowy dress blended with what appeared to be dark shadows behind her.

Then, just like that, the man vanished as if he’d become a shadow himself.


“Thank God you’re all right,” I gasped. “I’ve been worried ever since I realized this wasn’t a prank you were playing on me. I told you and Isa we shouldn’t have gone to that party!” I rolled my eyes, letting my frustration out, then stopped. “Wait. Isa. Is she okay?”

“As far as I know,” she said sadly. “She wasn’t with me.”

My heart dropped into my stomach. Isa and Stan would search for us relentlessly. “She must be so worried. Stan, too. They’ll blame themselves for what happened to us.”

Ember’s face fell. She glanced beside her, in the general direction of where the man had been, then turned back to face me, squaring her shoulders like she was bracing herself. “She doesn’t remember us,” she said with a rueful shake of her head. “None of them do. Not her or Stan or anyone. It’s part of the isos—the magic surrounding who we are.”

I rubbed my chest to ease my aching heart. I wasn’t sure how I felt about Stan just forgetting about us, but it was better than the alternative, and I needed to focus on the most important part.

We were safe. Isa hadn’t received a golden ticket; she’d come along with Ember for fun, so she was likely just fine. “Are you okay?”

“I’m okay. Better than being dead! Are you?” Ember bit her bottom lip. “I’ve been worried.”

“About the same as you.” I smirked, throwing her words back at her. “Maybe soon, the two of us could visit and remember them.” Isa meant to Ember what Stan meant to me.

“Okay.” Quinley jerked the mirror away and waved her hand over the glass, and Ember disappeared. “They got to see each other and know they’re okay. Now we have High Court business to attend to.”

I gritted my teeth, liking Quinley less and less. “You could’ve let me say goodbye.”

“And have the elves learn we are down a High Court member? Not a chance.” Quinley gestured to the dining hall doors. “Go eat.”