“Who the fuck are you to solicit my services?”

“A buyer with money to spend.” I drop a stack of cash on the table.

Mike's eyes widen like saucers. He dismisses the dancer with a flick of his hand and takes the wad of cash.

“You have my attention. Speak.”

I sit before him and cross my legs while stretching my arms over the backrest. One of his men pours me a drink of aged whiskey.

“I heard you're the one I should talk to if I'm interested in investing in abusiness.”

I take a sip of whiskey and wait as the smile on Mike's lips spreads across his face.

“What kind of business are you looking for, pretty boy?”

“The kind that should be kept private,” I look at the guards nearby, and Mike understands, so he nods, and everyone clears out except the guard who let me in the VIP section. “I have money to invest into Brandon Prescott's campaign.”

One of Mike's eyebrows rises. He looks interested. “Oh yeah? Why?”

“I hear he plans to provide some advantages to his investors' businesses,” I state calmly. “And my desire is to... expand my ownoptions, so to speak.”

Mike nods and considers the request silently while I wait.

“Getting intothatbusiness is expensive,” Mike assures me.

“How much? And what's the ROI?”

“Listen at this dude.” Mike points and laughs. “ROI. This is some under-the-table shit. You get what you get. What do youneed?”

“I own a club and want to handle the competition.”

Mike's gaze rests on me for a long time. I know he's analyzing me.

“You're a determined man.” I nod, and he sighs. “Well, if you really want to participate...”

He stands up and beckons me. “Follow me.”

At first I hesitate, trying to decide whether to follow. But since Mike has no reason to distrust me, I follow suit.

I accompany him to a back room that looks like an old warehouse. Mike pulls a couple of chairs and takes a seat.

But as soon as I enter the room, I sense something is wrong. The door closes behind me, and two men appear out of nowhere, blocking the way.

Two others appear from the shadows, and one more appears behind Mike. It's Cody.

“Well done,” says Mike as Cody looks on. “Seriously, did you think you could come in here and I wouldn't know who you were?”

“I don't care whether you know who I am. That doesn't change why I'm here.”

But Mike shakes his head. He looks amused. “You don't have to keep pretending. Cody’s working for me and told me everything, and I know all about your troubles with Dexter and Brandon. What are you planning, to sink them?”

I look at Cody, and he avoids my gaze. He sold me out, and I need to salvage this situation.

Mike snaps his fingers. “Dexter will be thrilled when he hears about this,” he says as two of his men approach me.

Cody also approaches, and I get ready to fight. My fist flies out instinctively, the knuckles cracking against Cody's jaw with a satisfying thud.

Pain flares in my hand, but it's nothing compared to the rush of adrenaline pumping through my veins. I don't have time to watch him stagger. Another fist slams into my back, driving the air from my lungs. My head snaps forward, and I taste blood.