Page 50 of Ian

“Why? It’s why you come here,” she shouted as she got up, pulled her robe on, walked to the bedroom door.

“That’s bullshit,” he yelled. “You know I want to be with you, but we shouldn’t be doing this. Not only because it could jeopardize my job, but becauseyou’re leaving.”

Eden opened the door. “It’s time you left.Again.”

Ian sighed as he quickly dressed. Why in the hell did he put himself through this with her? Every damn time they had sex, a fight broke out. They had so much going against them and heknew he should stay the fuck away from her, but he couldn’t. He was falling for her, and it killed him because he could never have her in his life permanently.

“I’m done with this, Eden. No more. I can’t take this. It tears me apart every time we do this. We know we can’t be together, but we also can’t stay away from each other.” He shook his head. “We have to. You’re leaving next Sunday, and that will be the end of it.”

“I know and I’m tired of you running hot and cold.”

“You think I run hot and cold? Well, maybe I do, and do you know why? Because if I don’t stay angry about you leaving, I’ll beg you to stay, and I know that’s not what you want. This arguing we do is because we know this could never work. I’m leaving now, and we’re not doing this anymore. I hope you have a good life in Chicago and take that partnership you so desperately want.” He strode out of the room, along the hall and into the living room where he picked up his hat and walked out the door. He quietly closed it behind him, climbed into his truck and drove home.


Eden walked to the bed, lay across it, and cried. She was sure she cried more in the past three weeks than in her entire life. It sure felt like it.

As tears rolled down her temples, she thought about his words.I’ll beg you to stay.She knew he was hurting because she was too. So much thather heart ached. What if he did ask her to stay? What would she do?

“There’s nothing I can do. I can’t stay.” She shook her head. “I just can’t.”

She jerked when someone knocked on her door. Had he come back? She quickly got up and ran to the door. She pulled it open, and her excitement died at seeing Cammie.

“I just saw Ian leaving. What happened?”

“Come inside. The same thing as always. We argued after sex. It’s a pattern with us.” She closed the door once Cammie stepped into the cabin.

“Oh, I’m so sorry.”

“Me too. He said he was done, and we weren’t doing this anymore. I was hoping we’d spend my last week together.” She wiped a tear away.

Cammie wrapped her arms around her, and Eden broke down. She sniffed and looked at Cammie.

“He said he stayed angry about me leaving because if he didn’t, he’d beg me to stay.”

Cammie gasped. “Oh, my God. Would you?”

“No. Yes. I don’t know. I thought I wanted that partnership.”

“Thoughtyou did?” Cammie led her to the sofa and they both sat.

“Yes. I don’t know if it’s that important anymore.”

“Because of Ian?”

“Yes. Damn it. I didn’t come here looking to fall in love.”

“You’re in love with him?” Cammie asked in a shocked voice.

“Yes. I have denied it enough, but it does meno good.”

“God, I wish I knew how to help you.”

“Just be here for me. No matter how long it takes to get over him.”

“Eden, I hate to tell you this, but I don’t think you’ll ever get over him. You were meant to come here and meet him.”

“But why when we can’t be together?”