Page 29 of Avy

“Rachel,” I muttered. “Fuck!!!”

“Yeah, but not for the reasons that you think. I don’t think she knew they were going to take him.”

“Explain,” I growled with frustration, not at Skinny but at Rachel.

“I would, but I think it’s best you read her email. You know I’ve been monitoring all our emails in case we got a ransom demand. Well, I was going through them to check, make sure I didn’t miss anything. Found it in your spam folder. Explains a lot.”

He clicked on a tab on his desktop, opening my email, before getting up from his chair, “There it is. I’ll go shower, but I’ll be back. I’ll catch some sleep on the couch. That way I’m here if you need me.”

Nodding my head in agreement, I sat down in his chair, checking on Kaleb and the little girl, before turning my attention to the email. Hardly noticing when Skinny left the room.


Jesus, I hope this gets through to you. They took my phone and changed the password on my computer, but the idiots wrote it down in front of me and I memorised it.

Fuck Kev, I’ve seriously fucked up this time. I hope this gets to you in time. I don’t think I’ll be getting out of this alive.

You need to keep Kaleb safe. My boss has threatened him to get back at me for stealing from him.

You probably know by now what I do, who I work for, and all that. I did my research on your club so I know you have someone that can find out stuff about me, and I imagine he’s found out everything that he can.

I love my job and it makes me a lot of money, but you know me, I always want more. I started skimming off my boss just a little here and a little there. I’ve been doing it for two years. At first it was just a thrill thing to see if I could do it and it escalated from there until it was every three months, then every two, until I was skimming weekly. I’ve banked over three million pounds in the last two years.

I probably would have carried on, but he took me away again last week and while we were away, he brought in an accountant to go through everything. He didn’t say anything until the last day when we were coming back. Then he showed me everything. I’ve given it all back but his last words to me before he left me in my office with the door locked was that my flesh and blood was going to pay for the error in my judgment and that he already had a buyer set up for a baby boy.

If I can get more information to you, I will. I’ve added an address of where I think they’ll take him, but I’m not sure how long they’ll be there. If you don’t get this in time and he’s there I’ll try my best to get him out. I have a way out of my office that they don’t know about.

For what it’s worth, I’m sorry. I did love you, but you know me, I’m never happy unless I’m the centre of attention. I’m sorry I cheated on you and I’m sorry I wrecked Mike’s life. It’s probably best it ends this way. Kaleb will have a better life with you and your wife. I’m a shitty mum and I’d ruin him.

Look after him and maybe tell him of some of our good times when I wasn’t such a stupid cow.



I didn’t know what to think after reading that letter, at least now I knew why they targeted Kaleb. She sure fucked up this time, and a little boy was paying for it. I brought up the address she sent me and saw that it was on the docks in London.

A chat box popped up on the corner of the screen that showed a now sleeping Kaleb.

Right address. Don’t come. He’s safe for now. Stick with plan!

Fuck! Somehow, they were in our system.

Trust Hawk. Right Path.

I smiled wide, when those exact word appeared I knew who it was. I breathed a sigh of relief for the first time since yesterday morning.

“YES!!” I shouted out.

Reaper and Navy appeared in the doorway.

“What’s happened, is he free?” Reaper questioned impatiently.

“No. Shit, sorry. I just figured out who is messaging us.”

Now they were interested. “Well, spit it out,” huffed Reaper, impatience clear on his face.

“Do you know the four bikers that I tattoo whenever the one brother wants one? They look like Vikings, never wear helmets.”