"I know," I reply, turning to face him. "But you're doing the best you can for her. And we're here to help, too."

He nods, a grateful smile on his face. "Thank you, Destiny. That means a lot."

With a final nod, he leaves me to the task, and I turn my attention to the cooking, finding solace in the familiar rhythm of the kitchen. The spoiled meat gets dumped in the trash, and I spend the next few minutes thoroughly cleaning the kitchen area. Once satisfied, I start cooking fresh batches of burgers and fries. It's strangely soothing, the rhythm of the kitchen, sizzling burgers on the grill, the bubbling oil in the fryer, and the clatter of pots and pans. I lose myself in the work, forgetting about the chaos of my past life.

The door chimes as more patrons come into the diner throughout the day. The sound of laughter and chatter fills the air, reminding me of the sense of community in this small town. Maggie and another waiter, a young man named Tommy, join me in the kitchen occasionally, grabbing dishes to serve or help chop some vegetables. We share laughter and jokes, the atmosphere easing the stress of taking over the kitchen.

Tommy walks into the kitchen, holding up a tray of freshly washed dishes with a flourish. "Your chariot of clean plates awaits, dear Destiny," he declares with a cheeky grin on his face.

I chuckle while taking the tray from him. "Oh, my knight in shining armor, whatever would I do without you?" I play along, shooting him a teasing smile.

From the corner of the kitchen, Maggie shakes her head in mock disapproval. "You two are like a pair of teenagers," she scolds, but she can’t stop her smile.

Tommy feigns a look of hurt. "Maggie, you wound me. I am nothing but the embodiment of maturity and professionalism."

I snort, nearly dropping a plate in my laughter. "Tommy, the day you become the embodiment of maturity is the day George trades his diner for a spaceship."

Maggie bursts into laughter, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Now that's an image," she says, wiping a tear from her eye. "Imagine George floating around in zero gravity, flipping burgers."

We all share a hearty laugh, the tension of the day melting away in the kitchen’s warm atmosphere. As I trade banter with Maggie and Tommy, I can't help but feel grateful for the unexpected family I've found in this small town. I’ve kept in touch with Seraphina, but it’s not the same. I truly do miss her.

As the evening falls, the last customer leaves, and it's time to wrap up. I clean up the kitchen with a sense of satisfaction washing over me. I've successfully run the kitchen for a day, an achievement I never thought I'd experience. As I hang up my apron, my heart is full of gratitude for this strange, chaotic, but beautiful new life.

I flip the sign to 'Closed,' turn off the lights, and lock the front door of the diner. With the jingle of keys in my hand, I breathe in the crisp night air. I live a simple walk away in a small apartment within a stone's throw of the diner. This life is humble and modest in comparison to the lavish lifestyle I once had, but it's peaceful, it's safe, and it is mine.

It usually takes me about ten minutes to get home. The rhythmic sound of my shoes against the pavement is comforting, a predictable pattern in this new life. But tonight, an uncomfortable sensation prickles at the back of my neck, a feeling of dread washing over me. The hairs on my body stand on end as an unsettling realization hits me. I feel like I'm being watched.

I whip my head around to view the desolate street stretching out behind me. The quietness unnerves me, and instinctively, I pick up my pace. The faint echo of footsteps behind me sends a jolt of fear down my spine, and without a second thought, I break into a run. The footsteps follow suit, quickening in tandem with my own footsteps. Panic surges within me, and without any other plan, I take a sharp left, darting down an unfamiliar street.

I spot a parked car a few feet away, and without slowing down, I crouch low behind it with my breaths coming in short, ragged gasps. The footsteps thunder past, and the intimidating sound of the pursuit gradually fades. I wait, and every second feels like an eternity as my heart pounds in my ears. Finally, after what seems like forever, I stand up on shaky legs. With one last glance down the street, I break into a sprint, my apartment building a beacon of safety in the distance. I barely make it half a block before a guy in a black suit steps out of the shadows and grabs me.

He takes out his phone. "Got her, Boss," he says, and with a nod, he hangs up the phone and starts dragging me down the street.

The man is a giant compared to me, and he's bulky as hell. His expression is harsh, stone-like, with a permanent scowl on his face. His hair is short and dark brown, and his eyes are cold and merciless, sending shivers down my spine every time he looks at me.

"Help!" I scream as loud as I can.

The man places a meaty hand over my mouth, effectively cutting off my cry for help. Soon, I'm stuffed into the trunk of a vehicle, and darkness closes around me.

"Let me out of here!" I scream as I hit and kick around. "Please, let me out. I didn't do anything."

Panic engulfs me as the car roars to life, each vibration a chilling reminder of my grim situation. I'm trapped in the trunk, and my pleas for freedom are absorbed by the steel confines. The journey is a disorienting blur of turns and accelerations, a terrifying ride to an unknown destination.

The car finally screeches to a halt, and the sudden silence is deafening. With a jolt, the trunk opens with the harsh glare of a single overhead light stabbing at my eyes. I'm hauled out as a rough hand grips my arm, forcing me to stumble along. The surroundings blur into a haze, but I register the sheer size of a looming warehouse.

Without a shred of decency, I'm tossed into a room. I hit the cold, concrete floor hard, and a strangled grunt escapes me as a searing pain shoots up my wrist. I curl into a ball with the bitter taste of fear in my mouth.

Before I can recover, the thug pulls me up and shoves me onto a stiff chair. My protests fall on deaf ears as he binds me to the chair, the ropes cutting into my skin. I try to keep a brave face. To swallow down the terror that threatens to consume me, but the reality is daunting. I'm alone, helpless, and at the mercy of strangers. With a final glance, the man turns on his heel, leaving me to the chilling silence of the room. I tug at the binds that confine me, and they don't budge. I don't know how long I struggle but I refuse to give up. A scream of frustration rips from my throat.

Some time later a different thug walks into the room. I move as far back as the chair will allow me as he gets closer.

"The boss wants you stripped and hanged," he tells me before unbinding me.

The thug grapples with my body, heaving me over his shoulder with a brute strength that silences my protests. I thrash wildly, my fists pounding against the hard expanse of his back, but it's like hitting a brick wall. There's no effect. When he finally sets me down, my legs are unsteady. Swiftly, he grabs my wrists, and the cold metal of cuffs clamps around them with an ominous click, sealing my fate.

With a press of a button, my world shifts, the ground receding beneath me as I'm hoisted off the floor. Suspended, only by my arms, five feet above the ground, I can't suppress a wince of agony. As the thug's knife cuts through my clothes, each shred falling away, I fight the surge of humiliation. Displayed in nothing but my bra and underwear, I'm left hanging. The room falls silent once more as the thug leaves, the creak of the door a harsh reminder of my chilling predicament.

The adrenaline that had been pumping through my veins starts to fade, replaced by a shivering cold that creeps into my bones. I look around and take in my surroundings for the first time. The room is bare, save for a few ominous tools scattered across a table in the corner. The sight sends a fresh wave of terror through me. This isn't just a room. It's a torture chamber. My shaking intensifies, and my teeth chatter with the bone-deep chill of both fear and cold.