
In my dreams, I'm far away from the confines of my life. I'm in a field of wildflowers, the wind lightly tugging at my hair and the sun warming my skin. The scent of fresh flowers fills the air, and I can hear the sound of birds chirping in the distance. A sense of freedom and peace fills me and makes me feel light as a feather. I twirl in pure bliss, with my heart swelling with joy. This is the life I've always yearned for, away from the bitterness of the Blackharts and my father. A life where I’m just Isabella, not a pawn in their deadly game.

Suddenly, my peaceful reverie is shattered by a loud banging. My heart jumps into my throat, and my eyes snap open, the floral paradise of my dream dissipating into nothingness. I'm jolted back into reality, sitting upright in my bed with the sheets twisted around me and my breathing ragged. The room is dark, the only light coming from the moon trickling in through the window. I glance around in confusion as the remnants of my dream still cling to me.

The banging sounds again, echoing through the emptiness of the house, and I realize it's coming from the front door. My heart pounds in my chest as I throw the sheets off and scramble out of bed. Fear laces my veins as I make my way downstairs. The banging continues, growing louder, more insistent.

"Isabella! Open the damn door!" Seraphina's voice flows through the door.

My fear dwindles as I realize it's just Seraphina. However, I wonder what she's doing at my house so late.

"What's going on?" I ask as soon as I open the door.

She rushes in, grabs my shoulders, and looks me dead in the eyes. "You have to leave. Now!"

I take in Seraphina's frantic state, her usually composed features twisted in urgency. Her hands, cold and trembling, grip my shoulders with a desperation I've never seen before. Her eyes are filled with panic and fear. The sight of her, the strongest woman I know in such a state, sends a shiver of trepidation coursing down my spine.

The atmosphere is thick with a tension that tugs at my nerves, setting them on a razor's edge. Questions buzz around my mind like a swarm of bees, but all I can do is stand there, rooted to the spot by a gnawing, unnamed fear.

"What... what the hell are you talking about?" I stutter as fear takes hold.

"Damien has been interviewing people from the party, and he's been asking questions about you. I think he thinks you killed his brother," she says. "His men grabbed me from my house and dragged me to his office. He questioned me about you. His eyes, his tone, his look. I'm telling you, Isa, he thinks you did it."

I stand rooted to the spot as Seraphina's words sink in. Damien thinks I'm a murderer. The Blackharts think I killed Jackson. A bitter laugh escapes me, a sound of pure disbelief yet laced with a creeping sense of dread. This must be the worst thing that could happen. I just got my freedom from the shackles of my marriage, only to be ensnared in a much more terrifying accusation.

While I'm processing Seraphina's words, her actions form a blur in my peripheral vision. She's moving around frantically, snatching up my shoes and coat from the hallway closet. The sight of her frenzied activity brings me crashing back to the reality of the situation. The urgency in her movements mirrors the fear that is now steadily taking hold of me. I jump into action, moving as fast as my legs would allow.

"What the hell are you doing?" she asks.

Ignoring Seraphina's question, I bolt towards the other closet and yank out a suitcase. I can hear my heart pounding in my ears and the adrenaline rushing through me, lending a surreal quality to the moment. I zip from one room to another, my hands shaking as I stuff family photos, books, and my mother's belongings into the suitcase.

Each item is a painful reminder of what I'm leaving behind, of the life that's being ripped away from me. Though, there's no time for tears, no time for goodbyes. When the suitcase is full, I take a moment to collect myself, setting it down and turning towards the stairs.

Suddenly, Seraphina is there, grabbing my arm and trying to hustle me towards the front door. I jerk out of her hold as a spark of defiance flares within me.

"I need my phone and clothes," I tell her, my voice steady despite the fear gnawing at me.

"I've got everything for you already," she says as she steers me toward the door. "Remember, I was preparing for your eventual escape from Jackson the jackass. I've got a car, burner phone, some clothes, and an envelope of cash waiting for you."

I stop and stare at Sera. "You really were going to help me?"

"Of course I was," she replies. "You're my best friend. There were only so many times I'd let you call me about Jackson's abuse. Honestly, I was really close to kidnapping you to get you away from him."

A lump forms in my throat, and I swallow hard, fighting back the tears that threaten to spill. I feel a surge of gratitude towards Seraphina that leaves me overwhelmed. The reality of her dedication, her willingness to put herself in danger for my sake, hits me hard. I've taken her friendship for granted, but at this moment, I understand the depth of her love and care. I press a hand to my heart in a futile attempt to contain the wellspring of emotion.

"Thank you, Sera," I whisper in a voice choked with gratitude as I hug her. The words feel inadequate for the magnitude of my feelings, but they're all I have.

She pats my back before pulling away. "Hug time is over," she says. "Get in the car and drive far away from here. Only call me when you're safe."

Before I can respond, we hear a car speeding down the long driveway.

"Get out of here," Seraphina says before dragging me out of the house, pushing me into the car, and slamming the door.

I give her one last look and hightail it down the other end of the driveway. My heart hammers against my ribs as I push the gas pedal to the floor. The car rumbles beneath me, speeding down the other end of the winding driveway and away from the nightmare that my life has become. Fear rises in my chest at the sight of the car in the rearview mirror, its headlights blazing in the darkness as it gives chase. It is them. The Blackharts, pursuing me like prey. A shudder runs through me, but I force myself to focus on the road ahead.

Turning my gaze back to the mirror, I see Seraphina still standing there, a lone figure among the chaos. Relief washes over me as the car speeds right past her to chase me. I gulp in a long breath, the first I've managed to take since the truth came crashing down. My best friend is safe for now.

The roar of engines fills the night air as I swerve the car around a turn. Tall, foreboding trees loom on either side of the winding road, their shadows dancing ominously under the moonlight. My knuckles are white on the steering wheel, each jolt and bump from the car behind sending a fresh wave of adrenaline coursing through my veins.