‘Are you sure you don’t need me to model one of these for you again, Sophie?’

Tish ran her fingertips over the delicate embroidery of a pale lilac bustier that hung on a rail in Sophie’s workshop alongside a selection of bridal lingerie that had just been delivered to the Sophie-Louise store in Wimbledon from its Somersby branch.

Sophie couldn’t help grinning. Every piece was perfect. The women of the Cupcakes & Couture sewing group had proved to be true maestros with a needle and thread, and they had followed her intricate designs to the letter. The resulting garments were beautiful, and she was not surprised Tish couldn’t resist the urge to touch them. She hoped others would feel the same way, too, as she had surrendered to Scarlet and Flora’s nagging and agreed to deliver a selection of the corsets, bodysuits, and bralettes to one of the luxury lingerie boutiques in Knightsbridge. If they liked them, then the future of Gingerberry would be secure.

Did this mean she intended to keep it?

She glanced across at Tish. Despite the dark smudges under her cobalt eyes, she still possessed an inexhaustible vigour for the wedding arrangements which had now moved on to the “final frenzy” stage. Panic had set in, and she had taken to zooming around the streets of London on a second-hand moped, checking that every order was on schedule, every detail had beenadhered to, right down to the individual sugar-craft flowers on the wedding cake, which had caused a near catastrophe when the lilac blossoms had not been the right shade of purple and looked like bunches of over-ripe grapes.

Sophie experienced a sudden surge of sympathy for the young girl.

Tish had told her that, out of necessity, she had to eat, sleep, and breathe Lilac’s wedding. She’d even had to turn down a date with a potential Prince Charming, despite being so keen to find “the one” and star in her own dream ceremony. There wasn’t a bridal supplier in the capital she hadn’t scoured for inspiration. She had even taken to emulating Nikki’s penchant for extreme list-making and made copious notes that grew longer by the day. But despite her frantic schedule she had still found the time to call in to see Sophie and shop for her future wedding lingerie.

‘No thanks, Tish. It’s kind of you to offer but Lilac’s trousseau has been finalised. It’s just the dress that needs a last fitting. But if you pop next door to my office, you might find something to put a smile back on your face,’ teased Sophie.

Tish screwed up her nose questioningly but obediently trotted off into the office.

Scarlet smiled at Sophie as she adjusted one of the most expensive diamanté tiaras Sophie-Louise had to offer and inspected her appearance in the mirror. The headpiece looked amazing nestled in her halo of auburn curls. ‘Don’t you think Marco is a millinery genius? This is his most fabulous artistic creation to date.’

‘Scarlet, do I detect…’

Before Sophie could finish her question, a squeal of delight erupted from the room next door and Tish came running back into the workshop holding aloft a gorgeous satin teddy fashionedfrom the same pattern as Lilac’s but in a delicate blush pink – Tish’s favourite colour.

‘Oh, my God, thank you, thank you so much. That’s another item I can strike off my “must-have” list. I love it! I’m trying it on now!’ And she disappeared into the changing room.

Sophie exchanged a smirk with Scarlet and Flora as they waited for her to reappear. When she did, tears were trickling down her pale cheeks.

‘It’s gorgeous, Sophie. You are so talented. Thank you a thousand times.’

‘Oh, don’t thank me – thank the ladies from Gingerberry who made it up for you.’

Tish rushed forward and flung her arms around each of the girls in turn as the door to the boutique swung open with a gust of warm summer air and a dense waft of expensive Italian cologne.

‘What? Another hugfest? What is it with you women? Can’t you get through a day without succumbing to a bout of excessive physical contact?’ Marco Gallieri rolled his eyes but then fixed them on Tish’s svelte figure and gave an appreciative whistle. ‘And I don’t just mean the millinery masterpiece!’

The girls giggled and Tish shot from the room to get dressed.

‘Are you planning to wear that tiara anywhere special?’ Marco enquired, experimenting with a nonchalant look but failing to pull it off.

‘No,’ said Scarlet, gently removing the headpiece from her hair.

‘Why do you ask, Marco?’ said Sophie, a mischievous glint in her eye.

‘No reason, I just…’

Sophie laughed. It had been a long time since she’d seen the handsome Marco blush.

Tish appeared fully clothed and ready to leave. She reached for her handbag and waited whilst Sophie slotted the lingerie into one of the Sophie-Louise peppermint-and-gold bags and tied the ribbons into a bow.

‘Thanks again, Sophie.’

‘You’re welcome, Tish. I’ll see you in just over a week’s time at the hotel in Gloucester on the morning of the wedding.’

‘Sure. Bye.’

‘Hey, Scarlet, seeing as you like that tiara so much, why don’t you permit me to escort you round the corner to my humble establishment and talk you through some of my other designs for the more budget-conscious consumer of all things sparkling? It would be my pleasure.’

‘Oh, yes, please!’