‘White wine would be great. We’ll share a bottle of Pinot Grigio.’
‘Coming right up.’
‘I’ll be back in a minute,’ said Sophie, giving Scarlet’s arm a squeeze.
She made her way across the room to where Tish had just finished her telephone conversation and was running her fingers distractedly through her curls as she scribbled notes on a jotter in front of her.
‘Oh, hi, Sophie. I don’t suppose you have a best friend who is a Michelin-starred chef who has nothing else to do with his time but drop everything to cater for a hundred and fifty celebrity guests, do you? No, I thought not. Ignore me.’
‘Actually, Tish, that’s what I wanted to tell you. Whilst I don’t think he has a Michelin star, I do have a friend who has trained in the kitchens of a five-star Parisian hotel. Would you like me to introduce you?’
‘Oh, my God! Yes! Give me his number and save a girl’s life – or her sanity at least!’
‘Here. His name is Tom Wallington and he’s already supplying the wedding with the most magnificent cupcake tiers for the younger guests. Just tell him you got his number from me.’
‘Thank you, Sophie, thank you.’
Tish was already keying in his number and Sophie left her to it. She settled down in a seat at an elegant glass table overlooking the gardens with Scarlet, Flora, Nikki and Craig and, as the wine flowed, she finally allowed herself to relax until an ear-splitting electronic screech sliced through the air, causing goosebumps to ripple across her arms.
‘Oh, God, what was that awful noise?’
Chapter Twenty Five
‘Don’t worry. They’re only testing the sound system in the ballroom. The crew have been there all day.’ Craig explained, reaching out to top up Sophie and Scarlet’s wine glasses before turning his full attention towards Flora. ‘So, has this whole food-poisoning fiasco with Lilac put you off weddings for good?’
‘Only weddings like this one. If it was me getting married, it would be a tiny church in the country with a handful of special friends, or maybe we’d elope to somewhere far-flung and hot, hot, hot!’
‘At last, a girl after my own heart.’
‘What do you mean?’ Sophie smiled. ‘You’re a wedding photographer, for heaven’s sake! Surely, you must adore all this romance stuff. Capturing that perfect, dreamy “look of love” between the bride and groom with your camera lens for all eternity.’
‘You’d think so, but no. Actually, I’d much rather be out on an assignment in Syria or Iraq, recording the facts as they happen, and informing the world about the desperate scenes of terror that are unfolding out there. I was a war photographer before… well, before I got injured in the line of duty, so to speak.’
‘Wow, like a soldier?’ Flora’s eyes widened.
Craig laughed. ‘No, those guys are the real heroes. I’m nowhere near as brave as they are. But I have seen my fair share of action. Anyway, enough about me.’ Craig paused to take a sipof his drink, then smiled at Flora. ‘You must have a fantastic life being a bridal fashion designer in the bright lights of London?’
As Sophie sipped at her wine, she had the strangest feeling she was intruding. Something about the way Craig’s eyes held Flora’s for a second longer than necessary, the way his body language screamed attraction. She wasn’t sure whether Flora herself had realised it yet, but he was certainly besotted, so she decided to grant them some alone time.
‘Scarlet, Nikki, come on. Let’s check everything we brought with us has found its way safely back into the hire car.’
‘Soph, I haven’t finished my…’ Scarlet began. ‘Oh, yes, right, okay.’
Sophie headed out of the bar with Scarlet and Nikki following in her wake, but Flora and Craig barely noticed. As she reached the door, she heard Craig say, ‘As Lilac is incapacitated, would you mind helping me out by posing as a stand-in for a few shots in the gardens out front? I need to check the variety of backdrops that are available. I could give you a tour of the house and grounds afterwards, if you like. The gardens are beautiful, designed by Capability Brown…’
‘I’m starving. Do you think they do afternoon tea here?’ asked Scarlet.
‘I’m sure they do,’ said Nikki. ‘Sophie?’
‘I’m not hungry. You two go ahead. I’ll go check the car and be with you shortly.’
Sophie jogged out of the manor and into the carpark where she paused to take in the view from a different perspective. Over to her right, a large ornamental pond glimmered like a piece of tin foil reflecting the clear blue sky above, and to her left was the Italianate-style gardens she’d heard Delia talk so effusively about after a trip to the hotel’s spa for a birthdaytreat. In the distance, she could just about pick out the rooftops of the cottages on the outskirts of Somersby, some tiled, some thatched, but a canopy of trees concealed the buildings that gathered around the village green.
She exhaled a sigh. It really was a stunningly romantic setting for an English country wedding, and for the first time in years, her surroundings made her wish she had someone to share this day with. Someone she could link arms with and saunter around the estate, exclaiming at the blossoming flowers, marvelling at the works of art dotted around the gardens, and pointing out the various landmarks. Preferably Mr Darcy, if he was available – well, there was a pond, and maybe he could...
She shook herself from her reverie and returned to the manor to seek out the bathroom. All that wine had clearly gone to her head, and she could do with splashing her face with cold water and retouching her make-up. She’d not had any spare time lately for personal grooming. Her hair had grown longer than she’d worn it since she was fifteen years old, and she’d simply taken to wearing it pinned up. And Scarlet, the undisputed queen of waxing, would have palpitations if she could have seen the state of her legs.
She was surprised that there was still no one on duty behind the reception desk, so she mounted the stairs, smiling to herself as she envisioned Flora whizzing down the sweeping banister, her hair flying behind her as she whooped for joy. When she reached the top, she paused at the vast window overlooking the pristine gardens to once again drink in the view out over the gently undulating fields of the Cotswolds, and her heart ballooned.