His face turned red with anger. “You stupid girl. You think a shoulder rub is such a bad thing?”
I glared at him. “Yes. You touch me all the time, when it’s clear that I don’t want you to. You stare at my chest. You make comments that are rude. You’ve passed me over for a promotion for three years and I know it’s been your call the entire time. James told me.Youblocked my promotions and then tried to get me to workunderyou.”
“I would’ve given you the fucking promotion if you’d just played nice. I’ve dealt with your shit for five years. I’ve watched you strut around in your tight skirts, swinging that ass around. You teased me for years and then my sons come around and you’re fucking them all over the place. You were always a whore, but it took my boys to bring it out of you.” He circled my desk and closed in on me. “I’ll put up with a lot, Sophia, but you tryingto get between me and my boys is a line I won’t let you cross. Watch what you tell them.”
“I have no intention of getting between you and your sons, Gerald. I just want you to leave me alone.” I hated the way my voice shook. “I just want to do my job.”
“I’ve got a big dick, too, Sophia. I’ve been fucking women for a lot longer than my boys.” He moved so fast that I couldn’t stop him from grabbing my ass and yanking me against his chest. His sour breath washed over my face and he laughed when I struggled to get away from him. “I can make you feel better than they can. Or maybe you want the whole package. Daddy and the sons? It’s just a shame you only have three holes.”
I drew my hand back and slapped him as hard as I could. While he cupped his face, I shoved away from him and hurried towards the door. Before I could get there, he grabbed my arm and yanked me away from it. I only stopped fighting to get away from him when his grip on my wrist became excruciating. “Let me go, you piece of shit. This was too far. I’m going to HR and I’m going to press charges. You’re disgusting!”
He shook me. “You would do that to my boys? The way they’re hanging around you, I figure they’re sweet on you. You’d hurt them like this? You lied to them once about this, Sophia.”
I whimpered when his grip tightened. “Let me go!”
“Go to HR and I’ll make sure my boys end this night thinking you’re the biggest whore to ever cross their paths. I’ll make sure they fucking curse the ground you walk on. Are you willing to do that?”
Tears filled my eyes. “Just let me go! Please!”
“Are you going to make a fuss?” He leaned in closer and smiled. “Or are you going to play nice and get that promotion you’ve been wanting?”
I just wanted him to let me go. I didn’t care about the promotion. “Fine! I won’t say anything if you just let me go and leave me alone.”
“I think we’ve got a deal.” He released my wrist but pulled me in for a wet kiss. “If you change your mind, you know where to find me. Also, if you change your mind about keeping quiet, you should know that there are cameras on every inch of this building. I’ve never been so proud of my boy as I was when I saw him railing you yesterday. Sophia, open your mouth and every person in this city will watch you coming on Anderson cock.”
I shrank away from him. “What?”
“The part about all of my sons covering you in come? I shot my load all over my desk to that image.” He roughly patted my cheek and laughed. “Are you going to keep that mouth of yours shut from now on?”
I nodded and stumbled towards my desk. I sank into one of the desk chairs and covered my mouth with my hand. He’d watched me and Ethan… He had a tape of it…
“Sophia? I heard shouting…” Randal appeared at my side and knelt in front of me. “What happened?”
I looked into his concerned eyes and felt my own fill with hot tears. “I have to go. I’m going to take the day off… I just… I’m sorry.”
“Did he fire you? What did he do, Sophia?”
“I wish. I just need to go home. I’m sorry, Randal. I can try to put together a list of things-”
“Just go, Soph. Call me if you need anything.”
I grabbed my purse and wiped my eyes. “Um… I… I’m sorry.”
I took the stairs to make sure there was no chance I’d run into Gerald again. Every sound in the parking garage made me jump and I didn’t take a full breath until I was on the interstate, flying towards home.
By the time I pulled into the driveway I was fighting the urge to vomit. I barely got out of my car before I violently lost my breakfast on the grass. Gerald’s words were circling in my mind and I could still smell his breath on my lips.
“Soph? What’s wrong?” Ava wrapped her arms around me and helped me into the house. “You’re home so early. Did something happen?”
I sagged into her arms and sobbed. “He grabbed me, Ava. He touched me.”
She looked at my wrist and gasped. “Who the fuck did this?”
I glanced down at the deep bruise already forming and gagged again. “Gerald. Ava, he’s the devil. I don’t want to go back. I can’t.”
“I’ll fucking murder him.”
“I can’t say anything. I can’t protect myself from him. Ava, the stuff he said…” I pushed away from her and ran to the bathroom as the need to vomit struck again. I sat in front of the toilet and cried.