Page 20 of My Boss's Sons

“You’re the best. Do me a favor and take an early lunch.” I pinched the bridge of my nose. “I will name my firstborn child after you if you pick me up some ibuprofen while you’re out.”

“It’s nine-thirty, Sophia. That’s a very, very early lunch.” He pressed the back of his hand to my forehead. “Are you okay?”

“Do all assistants touch their boss so much or is that just a personal thing with you, Randal?” Noah had decided to leave my chair to be an asshole, it seemed.

Randal bristled but I put my hand on his arm. “Go surprise Rita. Don’t come back until the end of your normal lunch hour. Forget the ibuprofen. I have a feeling I’m going to need something much stronger.”

Randal nodded. “I keep a few things in my desk if you need them.”

As soon as he walked away, I turned on Noah and pushed him back inside my office. Closing the door as gently as I could while furious, I pressed my forehead against it for a moment before turning on the guys. Noah first.

“Randal isn’t just my assistant. He’s my friend. He’s a hard worker and is married with kids and I won’t have you making him feel uncomfortable or like he’s doing something wrong. Be nice to him or get fucked.” I stalked to the other side of my desk and sank into my chair. My feet already hurt and the headache behind my eyes was growing by the minute. “This entire situation is beyond fucked up.”

Noah sat across from me and the expression on his face was unreadable. “Do you want to know the last time I chased a woman down the street, Sophia?”

His question caught me off guard. Shaking my head, I reached out and grabbed my family photo. I took the time to straighten it and finally shrugged at Noah. “No.”

“Too bad. The answer is never. I have never chased a woman through downtown Dallas before this weekend.”

I tapped my fingers on the desk. “I don’t know what you want me to do with that information.”

He leaned forward. “Our mom likes you, by the way.”

“No. This is not happening.” I ran my hands through my hair and felt so many pieces slipping free that I just yanked the clip out and tossed it on my desk. “Ground rules. There was no Friday night, Saturday morning. Okay? It never happened. I’m a professional and I’ll do what’s required of me, but we’re not talking about anything other than work.”

“Are you married?” Ethan sat down in the chair next to Noah. “Dating?”

I ground my teeth together. “No. And no.”

“So, what’s the issue?” Alex moved closer, completing their little half circle of off-limits younger men.

“The issue is that you’re my boss’s kids. I’m a decade older than you. There are three of you. I’m busy.” I counted things off with my fingers and then hesitated. “What is even happening here?”

“After I chased you down the street I was worried about how long it would take a PI to find you. I wasn’t finished with you.” Noah stretched his long arm across my desk to grip my hand. I hadn’t even realized I’d been nervously tapping my fingers. “We’renot finished with you.”

My jaw dropped. “Excuse me?”

Ethan rolled his eyes. “What my brother is trying to say is that we want more. There’s something about you, Sophia.”

“You’re…what? What are you getting at?” I looked at each of them and shook my head. “You’re not finished fucking me so you think you’ll just storm my office and I’ll drop to my knees?”

Alex smirked. “To be fair, you did.”

I scoffed. “I was picking up folders, asshole.”

“We don’t have all the answers yet, Sophia, but we like you. We want to get to know you better.” Ethan shrugged. “There’s nothing wrong with us getting to know you.”

“This is my career you’re messing with.”

Noah looked at his brothers and then back at me. “We aren’t going to do anything inappropriate in front of anyone else.”

I laughed. “And when it’s just us in here and I’m trying to get work done?”

“Depends on if that door locks and how quiet you can be, I guess.” Noah smiled then and my stomach fluttered. “On the list of issues you named off, you never mentioned that you didn’t want us.”

I opened my mouth and the words jammed in my throat. No matter how much I tried to force them out, I couldn’t do it. If anything was obvious since seeing them again, it was the waymy body reacted to them. All the panic and fear I’d felt at seeing them with Gerald vanished as soon as Gerald vanished.

“Exactly.” Sitting back in his chair, Noah gripped the carved arms of it and studied me. “Whydidyou sneak out?”