"Baby girl, if I knew you wouldn't say no, I would have offered you the head of the department job." Kaleb's eyes darkened, glimmering more green than brown in the low living room light. "Don't think I don't know who's really been running your entire floor. There are a few things I'm insisting on when we get someone in place as leader."
He held up his hand and used his stern Daddy face. "No buts on this one. You work too hard, and it's been on my agenda to review your department and add more positions for months. We'd been waiting for the investigation with David to play out and not rock the boat. But now that it's done, you're getting some help and doing higher-level tasks."
Lottie's bottom lip jutted out in a pout. "How do you know I'll still say no if you offer me the department head job?"
Surprise coursed through me at her question. I opened my mouth to speak but thought better of it. This was Kaleb's forte. He worked magic with employee placement. David had been a shit hire he hadn't been involved in, and now that he was gone, there was no way he wasn't going to be right in the thick of vetting new hires.
His brows rose, and his lips twitched as he fought back a smile. "Don't joke with me right now, little girl. If you're serious about this, we'll talk to Bryanna on Monday."
"Let me think about it." She paused, stifling a yawn with the back of her hand. "I'd have some conditions. I'm really tired of being told how to do my systems when I'm the one who built them from the ground up."
Kaleb leaned forward, planting a hand on the edge of the couch behind her. "Which is exactly why I want you for the department head." He curled his other hand around the back of her neck to draw her in for a kiss. "Now, I think it's bedtime, little one."
It was my night, but earlier, we thought it would be fun to have a movie night snuggled up on the couch in my room. I rose to my feet and held a hand out for Lottie to take.
With a soft smile, she placed her small hand in mine, and I pulled her up to stand beside me. I snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her close. My head dipped to her neck, inhaling her unique and intoxicating scent.
Her hands splayed out over my chest, her fingertips curling into my flesh through my simple cotton shirt.
One hand slid down to cup her generous ass, and I rocked my hips into her soft flesh, letting her feel my rapidly growing erection.
"See what you do to me?" I pressed harder against her, so she was forced to feel the thick rod of my shaft. "One inhale of your scent, and I'm hard as a fucking rock. You drive me absolutely crazy, wanting you constantly."
A mischievous grin tilted up her lips, and she giggled.
Actually giggled.
"Uh oh, baby girl," Colby laughed. "You may have poked the bear with that adorable little giggle."
I untangled my arms from around her to bend down and throw her over my shoulder. "And now the bear is going to poke back."
Lottie squealed and kicked her legs as I marched up the stairs to my room. "Daddy K, I'm sorry!"
I clucked my tongue and took a handful of her ass. "I think you may like my brand of poking, little one. So rest easy."
That hadn't been part of the plan, but I would just roll with the punches.
She'd surprised the hell out of me tonight, practically agreeing to take the department head position. I wanted to tease her or guide her to see reason that she was the only person for the job. I hadn't posted it. Hadn't even sent Bryanna the requisition. I'm sure my long-time head of HR knew what my plan had been.
She had already told me multiple times, in not-so-subtle ways, that Lottie needed to take the job.
But the fact that I didn't have to do a lot of persuasion told me that she already knew what she wanted. I'd wait to see what her demands were. I was prepared to give her pretty much anything she wanted.
Which wasn't that much different from our everyday lives.
She wiggled against me, obviously liking the thoughts my statement put into her head.
Footsteps followed shortly behind me, Colby and Andrei on our heels as we climbed the stairs.
Maybe instead of a relaxing evening on the couch with a movie, I'd finally take that tight little pussy of hers.
As we enter my bedroom, I glance over my shoulder at Colby and Andrei. The same carnal lust is glimmering in their eyes.