Page 43 of Her Protector

I glanced down at it. Stared at it. A million thoughts swirled through my mind, threatening to drive me mad before I could process them all.

He was offering me more than just a simple handshake. It was a way to move forward with our lives. Let bygones be bygones. Or at least for now.

Forgive, but not forget.

Yet, Lottie's gentle touch on my back grounded me. I pulled back to the present and knew this was about more than just Viktor or me. This was about our whole family.

My hand met his, and we shook.

To my utter dismay, I saw tears shimmering in my grandfather's eyes as he took my hand and pulled me in close for a tight hug.

"I know I was a fool for bringing you into the organization so young." His voice wavered as he spoke. He didn't release me, content to suspend our embrace. "I've made so many mistakes, Andrei. Now, I'm a tired and sick old man filled with regrets. The biggest is how I treated your parents and then you. I have no excuse."

He pulled back and grasped my upper arms. "I finally know what matters. I couldn't see it until after you left. Even losing your father didn't teach me everything important. That is family, both by blood and those forged through friendship and time."

The silence hung heavy in the air as I contemplated his words. My eyelids fluttered shut as a myriad of emotions and thoughts whirled through my head, spinning so fast I was getting whiplash.

After several moments, I realized I needed to make peace with my grandfather, not for him, but for myself. I'd held on to my anger for too long, and it had poisoned me.

It wasn't until I met Lottie that I realized how far gone I'd been.

With her by my side, I could see the truth standing in front of me all along.

This was more for me and embracing my future than it was about them.

"Volkovs stick together," I replied after several moments of silence.

"That we do, cousin." Sergei clapped me on the back.

The piece of my heart that I kept locked because it was battered and broken was set free and partially healed. It would knit together and scab over with time, but the scar would remain forever.

I could forgive, but I wouldn't forget.



Iheld Lottie's hand in my lap as we sat on the couch and watched Maxim open his presents. The boy was full of life, smiling and laughing as his father teased him. Yet, an intelligence behind his eyes far surpassed his twelve years.

He'd been through so much in his short life. It was to be expected.

When he finished, he was smiling and walked around the room to give thankful hugs.

"Thanks, Uncle Andrei, this is the coolest." He squeezed Andrei tightly. My best friend swallowed harshly, returning Maxim's embrace. Andrei had the idea of getting him tickets to go up to Seattle and attend his first football game after Sergei told him how much he loved the sport. He planned to make it a full weekend for the three of them: Sergei, Maxim, and Andrei.

I couldn't be happier for him as he reconnected with the best part of his family.

"Dad, did you see he even arranged for us to go down on the sidelines before the game?"

Sergei scooped his son up and turned him back toward the kitchen. "Yes, I did. But make sure you thank your other new uncles, Colby, Kaleb, and Aunt Lottie too."

"Thank you!" The couple of favors I called in to make the sideline passes happen were worth it to see the grin on this kid's face.

Maxim returned to the table, and Sofia joined him as he showed her his new skateboard. The bond between them was so apparent it hurt me to watch it.

I wished I could have that close bond with my sisters, but there were just too many years between us. Not to mention when they were younger in order to see them I had to deal with my mother and Rupert.

I'd rather have cut my balls off than spend any more time with him than I had to, even for my sisters.