Page 21 of Her Protector

I would cherish her with every fiber of my being until my heart ceased beating.

Lottie slept curled against me, and I typed away on my laptop. I'd canceled my in-person classes for the next two weeks and moved everything online. I wouldn't let my students get too far behind. I had two advanced history classes that several needed to graduate this semester, and there was no way I'd let them fall behind.

I spent the next hour catching up on emails and typing out several discussion posts that I used instead of lectures. I still had a few term papers trickling in that I would have to grade over the weekend.

At least I always saved the good ones for last. It made for a much better end to the batch.

"You know she won't be content to work from home all week," I remarked absently as I brushed away the strands of hair that had fallen over her face.

"I know," Kaleb replied with a sigh as he removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes. He only wore them when he was tired, and his eyes were too irritated from his contacts.

"So, you'll need to plan something."

This time, Andrei sighed. "I know. I get it. Just give me some time to simmer down and feel like I can let her out of my sight."

I knew this was difficult for him, but he would have to learn one way or another he couldn't stifle Lottie or she'd end up resenting him.

The Russian put a hand in the air. "I already fucking know what you're thinking. Don't keep her down. She'll get restless. She'll want to run away from us because I am too controlling."

I nodded. "Yeah, that is exactly what I'm thinking. Thanks for saving me the trouble of having to say it all out loud."

Andrei narrowed his eyes on me. His jaw was set in a firm line, the muscles in his neck standing out from the force.

"Guys, come on. It's getting late." Kaleb interjected, trying to be the peacemaker. "Let's get to bed, and we can figure out more in the morning."

He was right. Lottie was already fast asleep, and we needed to get her up and into bed before she got a crick in her neck from sleeping wrong.

I brushed my fingers over her cheek and whispered her name. "I'm going to pick you up, little one. Don't be scared."

Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled at me. "Where are we going?"

"Getting you up into bed." I rose and then leaned down to take her in my arms.

"What, no, Colby." She squeaked. "I can walk, don't hurt yourself carrying me."

I snorted. "I'm built pretty solid for a nerdy history professor. Don't worry about me. Just relax."

She huffed a sigh but wrapped her arms around my neck and let me carry her up the stairs.

Good. The sooner Lottie learned we would always care for her, the better.



Ithought about what Colby said all night as I scrolled through the contacts on my phone the next morning.

Would Sergei talk to me?

We'd exchanged emails and text messages from time to time over the years, but nothing remotely recent.

He was Viktor's second in command after I left. He'd married a woman Viktor had wanted him to. Had two children.

Last I heard, his wife died of cancer just after his daughter was born.

I opened up the email app and typed in his name. I only hoped he still had the same email address. However, I'd never know if he didn't respond to me, if it was the wrong address, or if he just didn't want to speak with me.

The email I sent was simple.